Displaying 21 – 40 of 140

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Equation with residuated functions

Ray A. Cuninghame-Green, Karel Zimmermann (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The structure of solution-sets for the equation F ( x ) = G ( y ) is discussed, where F , G are given residuated functions mapping between partially-ordered sets. An algorithm is proposed which produces a solution in the event of finite termination: this solution is maximal relative to initial trial values of x , y . Properties are defined which are sufficient for finite termination. The particular case of max-based linear algebra is discussed, with application to the synchronisation problem for discrete-event systems;...

Equations containing locally Henstock-Kurzweil integrable functions

Seppo Heikkilä, Guoju Ye (2012)

Applications of Mathematics

A fixed point theorem in ordered spaces and a recently proved monotone convergence theorem are applied to derive existence and comparison results for solutions of a functional integral equation of Volterra type and a functional impulsive Cauchy problem in an ordered Banach space. A novel feature is that equations contain locally Henstock-Kurzweil integrable functions.

Equations with discontinuous nonlinear semimonotone operators

Nguyen Buong (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The aim of this paper is to present an existence theorem for the operator equation of Hammerstein type x + K F ( x ) = 0 with the discontinuous semimonotone operator F . Then the result is used to prove the existence of solution of the equations of Urysohn type. Some examples in the theory of nonlinear equations in L p ( Ω ) are given for illustration.

Equilibria and strict equilibria of multivalued maps on noninvariant sets

Pierre Cardaliaguet, Grzegorz Gabor, Marc Quincampoix (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

This paper is concerned with existence of equilibrium of a set-valued map in a given compact subset of a finite-dimensional space. Previously known conditions ensuring existence of equilibrium imply that the set is either invariant or viable for the differential inclusion generated by the set-valued map. We obtain some equilibrium existence results with conditions which imply neither invariance nor viability of the given set. The problem of existence of strict equilibria is also discussed.

Equilibrium of maximal monotone operator in a given set

Dariusz Zagrodny (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

Sufficient conditions for an equilibrium of maximal monotone operator to be in a given set are provided. This partially answers to a question posed in [10].

Equivariant degree of convex-valued maps applied to set-valued BVP

Zdzisław Dzedzej (2012)

Open Mathematics

An equivariant degree is defined for equivariant completely continuous multivalued vector fields with compact convex values. Then it is applied to obtain a result on existence of solutions to a second order BVP for differential inclusions carrying some symmetries.

Equivariant Morse equation

Marcin Styborski (2012)

Open Mathematics

The paper is concerned with the Morse equation for flows in a representation of a compact Lie group. As a consequence of this equation we give a relationship between the equivariant Conley index of an isolated invariant set of the flow given by .x = −∇f(x) and the gradient equivariant degree of ∇f. Some multiplicity results are also presented.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 140