Displaying 41 – 60 of 686

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On a regularization method for variational inequalities with P_0 mappings

Igor Konnov, Elena Mazurkevich, Mohamed Ali (2005)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

We consider partial Browder-Tikhonov regularization techniques for variational inequality problems with P_0 cost mappings and box-constrained feasible sets. We present classes of economic equilibrium problems which satisfy such assumptions and propose a regularization method for these problems.

On a semilinear variational problem

Bernd Schmidt (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We provide a detailed analysis of the minimizers of the functional u n | u | 2 + D n | u | γ , γ ( 0 , 2 ) , subject to the constraint u L 2 = 1 . This problem,e.g., describes the long-time behavior of the parabolic Anderson in probability theory or ground state solutions of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation. While existence can be proved with standard methods, we show that the usual uniqueness results obtained with PDE-methods can be considerably simplified by additional variational arguments. In addition, we investigate qualitative properties...

On a semilinear variational problem

Bernd Schmidt (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We provide a detailed analysis of the minimizers of the functional u n | u | 2 + D n | u | γ , γ ( 0 , 2 ) , subject to the constraint u L 2 = 1 . This problem, e.g., describes the long-time behavior of the parabolic Anderson in probability theory or ground state solutions of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation. While existence can be proved with standard methods, we show that the usual uniqueness results obtained with PDE-methods can be considerably simplified by additional variational arguments. In addition, we investigate qualitative properties...

On a shape control problem for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations

Max D. Gunzburger, Hongchul Kim, Sandro Manservisi (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

An optimal shape control problem for the stationary Navier-Stokes system is considered. An incompressible, viscous flow in a two-dimensional channel is studied to determine the shape of part of the boundary that minimizes the viscous drag. The adjoint method and the Lagrangian multiplier method are used to derive the optimality system for the shape gradient of the design functional.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 686