Displaying 61 – 80 of 686

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On a Theorem of Ingham.

S. Jaffard, M. Tucsnak, E. Zuazua (1997)

The journal of Fourier analysis and applications [[Elektronische Ressource]]

On a type of Signorini problem without friction in linear thermoelasticity

Jiří Nedoma (1983)

Aplikace matematiky

In the paper the Signorini problem without friction in the linear thermoelasticity for the steady-state case is investigated. The problem discussed is the model geodynamical problem, physical analysis of which is based on the plate tectonic hypothesis and the theory of thermoelasticity. The existence and unicity of the solution of the Signorini problem without friction for the steady-state case in the linear thermoelasticity as well as its finite element approximation is proved. It is known that...

On a variant of Korn’s inequality arising in statistical mechanics

L. Desvillettes, Cédric Villani (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We state and prove a Korn-like inequality for a vector field in a bounded open set of N , satisfying a tangency boundary condition. This inequality, which is crucial in our study of the trend towards equilibrium for dilute gases, holds true if and only if the domain is not axisymmetric. We give quantitative, explicit estimates on how the departure from axisymmetry affects the constants; a Monge–Kantorovich minimization problem naturally arises in this process. Variants in the axisymmetric case are...

On a variant of Korn's inequality arising in statistical mechanics

L. Desvillettes, Cédric Villani (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We state and prove a Korn-like inequality for a vector field in a bounded open set of N , satisfying a tangency boundary condition. This inequality, which is crucial in our study of the trend towards equilibrium for dilute gases, holds true if and only if the domain is not axisymmetric. We give quantitative, explicit estimates on how the departure from axisymmetry affects the constants; a Monge–Kantorovich minimization problem naturally arises in this process. Variants in the axisymmetric case...

On a variational approach to truncated problems of moments

C.-G. Ambrozie (2013)

Mathematica Bohemica

We characterize the existence of the L 1 solutions of the truncated moments problem in several real variables on unbounded supports by the existence of the maximum of certain concave Lagrangian functions. A natural regularity assumption on the support is required.

On a variational problem arising in crystallography

Alexander J. Zaslavski (2007)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study a variational problem which was introduced by Hannon, Marcus and Mizel [ESAIM: COCV9 (2003) 145–149] to describe step-terraces on surfaces of so-called “unorthodox” crystals. We show that there is no nondegenerate intervals on which the absolute value of a minimizer is π / 2 identically.

On a variational theory of light rays on Lorentzian manifolds

Fabio Giannoni, Antonio Masiello (1995)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

In this Note, by using a generalization of the classical Fermat principle, we prove the existence and multiplicity of lightlike geodesics joining a point with a timelike curve on a class of Lorentzian manifolds, satisfying a suitable compactness assumption, which is weaker than the globally hyperbolicity.

On a volume constrained variational problem in SBV 2 ( Ω ) : part I

Ana Cristina Barroso, José Matias (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider the problem of minimizing the energy E ( u ) : = Ω | u ( x ) | 2 d x + S u Ω 1 + | [ u ] ( x ) | d H N - 1 ( x ) among all functions u S B V 2 ( Ω ) for which two level sets { u = l i } have prescribed Lebesgue measure α i . Subject to this volume constraint the existence of minimizers for E ( · ) is proved and the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions is investigated.

On a Volume Constrained Variational Problem in SBV²(Ω): Part I

Ana Cristina Barroso, José Matias (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider the problem of minimizing the energy E ( u ) : = Ω | u ( x ) | 2 d x + S u Ω 1 + | [ u ] ( x ) | d H N - 1 ( x ) among all functions u ∈ SBV²(Ω) for which two level sets { u = l i } have prescribed Lebesgue measure α i . Subject to this volume constraint the existence of minimizers for E(.) is proved and the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions is investigated.

On adaptive control for the continuous time-varying JLQG problem

Adam Czornik, Andrzej Świernik (2005)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper the adaptive control problem for a continuous infinite time-varying stochastic control system with jumps in parameters and quadratic cost is investigated. It is assumed that the unknown coefficients of the system have limits as time tends to infinity and the boundary system is absolutely observable and stabilizable. Under these assumptions it is shown that the optimal value of the quadratic cost can be reached based only on the values of these limits, which, in turn, can be estimated...

On additive and multiplicative (controlled) Poisson equations

G. B. Di Masi, Ł. Stettner (2006)

Banach Center Publications

Assuming that a Markov process satisfies the minorization property, existence and properties of the solutions to the additive and multiplicative Poisson equations are studied using splitting techniques. The problem is then extended to the study of risk sensitive and risk neutral control problems and corresponding Bellman equations.

On almost everywhere differentiability of the metric projection on closed sets in l p ( n ) , 2 < p <

Tord Sjödin (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let F be a closed subset of n and let P ( x ) denote the metric projection (closest point mapping) of x n onto F in l p -norm. A classical result of Asplund states that P is (Fréchet) differentiable almost everywhere (a.e.) in n in the Euclidean case p = 2 . We consider the case 2 < p < and prove that the i th component P i ( x ) of P ( x ) is differentiable a.e. if P i ( x ) x i and satisfies Hölder condition of order 1 / ( p - 1 ) if P i ( x ) = x i .

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 686