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A Bellman approach for two-domains optimal control problems in ℝN

G. Barles, A. Briani, E. Chasseigne (2013)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This article is the starting point of a series of works whose aim is the study of deterministic control problems where the dynamic and the running cost can be completely different in two (or more) complementary domains of the space ℝN. As a consequence, the dynamic and running cost present discontinuities at the boundary of these domains and this is the main difficulty of this type of problems. We address these questions by using a Bellman approach: our aim is to investigate how to define properly...

A boundary multivalued integral “equation” approach to the semipermeability problem

Jaroslav Haslinger, Charalambos C. Baniotopoulos, Panagiotis D. Panagiotopoulos (1993)

Applications of Mathematics

The present paper concerns the problem of the flow through a semipermeable membrane of infinite thickness. The semipermeability boundary conditions are first considered to be monotone; these relations are therefore derived by convex superpotentials being in general nondifferentiable and nonfinite, and lead via a suitable application of the saddlepoint technique to the formulation of a multivalued boundary integral equation. The latter is equivalent to a boundary minimization problem with a small...

A certified reduced basis method for parametrized elliptic optimal control problems

Mark Kärcher, Martin A. Grepl (2014)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper, we employ the reduced basis method as a surrogate model for the solution of linear-quadratic optimal control problems governed by parametrized elliptic partial differential equations. We present a posteriori error estimation and dual procedures that provide rigorous bounds for the error in several quantities of interest: the optimal control, the cost functional, and general linear output functionals of the control, state, and adjoint variables. We show that, based on the assumption...

A characterization of C 1 , 1 functions via lower directional derivatives

Dušan Bednařík, Karel Pastor (2009)

Mathematica Bohemica

The notion of ˜ -stability is defined using the lower Dini directional derivatives and was introduced by the authors in their previous papers. In this paper we prove that the class of ˜ -stable functions coincides with the class of C 1 , 1 functions. This also solves the question posed by the authors in SIAM J. Control Optim. 45 (1) (2006), pp. 383–387.

A characterization of gradient Young-concentration measures generated by solutions of Dirichlet-type problems with large sources

Gisella Croce, Catherine Lacour, Gérard Michaille (2009)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We show how to capture the gradient concentration of the solutions of Dirichlet-type problems subjected to large sources of order 1 ε concentrated on an ε -neighborhood of a hypersurface of the domain. To this end we define the gradient Young-concentration measures generated by sequences of finite energy and establish a very simple characterization of these measures.

A characterization of gradient Young-concentration measures generated by solutions of Dirichlet-type problems with large sources

Gisella Croce, Catherine Lacour, Gérard Michaille (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We show how to capture the gradient concentration of the solutions of Dirichlet-type problems subjected to large sources of order 1 ε concentrated on an ε-neighborhood of a hypersurface of the domain. To this end we define the gradient Young-concentration measures generated by sequences of finite energy and establish a very simple characterization of these measures.

A characterization of graphs which can be approximated in area by smooth graphs

Domenico Mucci (2001)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

For vector valued maps, convergence in W 1 , 1 and of all minors of the Jacobian matrix in L 1 is equivalent to convergence weakly in the sense of currents and in area for graphs. We show that maps defined on domains of dimension n 3 can be approximated strongly in this sense by smooth maps if and only if the same property holds for the restriction to a.e. 2-dimensional plane intersecting the domain.

A Clarke–Ledyaev Type Inequality for Certain Non–Convex Sets

Ivanov, M., Zlateva, N. (2000)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

We consider the question whether the assumption of convexity of the set involved in Clarke-Ledyaev inequality can be relaxed. In the case when the point is outside the convex hull of the set we show that Clarke-Ledyaev type inequality holds if and only if there is certain geometrical relation between the point and the set.

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