Displaying 181 – 200 of 437

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Invariants and Bonnet-type theorem for surfaces in ℝ4

Georgi Ganchev, Velichka Milousheva (2010)

Open Mathematics

In the tangent plane at any point of a surface in the four-dimensional Euclidean space we consider an invariant linear map ofWeingarten-type and find a geometrically determined moving frame field. Writing derivative formulas of Frenet-type for this frame field, we obtain eight invariant functions. We prove a fundamental theorem of Bonnet-type, stating that these eight invariants under some natural conditions determine the surface up to a motion. We show that the basic geometric classes of surfaces...

Isoperimetric and Stable Sets for Log-Concave Perturbations of Gaussian Measures

César Rosales (2014)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

Let be an open half-space or slab in ℝn+1 endowed with a perturbation of the Gaussian measure of the form f (p) := exp(ω(p) − c|p|2), where c > 0 and ω is a smooth concave function depending only on the signed distance from the linear hyperplane parallel to ∂ Ω. In this work we follow a variational approach to show that half-spaces perpendicular to ∂ Ω uniquely minimize the weighted perimeter in Ω among sets enclosing the same weighted volume. The main ingredient of the proof is the characterization...

Linearization and explicit solutions of the minimal surface equations.

Alexander G. Reznikov (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We show that the apparatus of support functions, usually used in convex surfaces theory, leads to the linear equation Δh + 2h = 0 describing locally germs of minimal surfaces. Here Δ is the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the standard two-dimensional sphere. It explains the existence of the sum operator of minimal surfaces, introduced recently. In 4-dimensional space the equation Δ h + 2h = 0 becomes inequality wherever the Gauss curvature of a minimal hypersurface is nonzero.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 437