Displaying 41 – 60 of 188

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Index filtrations and Morse decompositions for discrete dynamical systems

P. Bartłomiejczyk, Z. Dzedzej (1999)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

On a Morse decomposition of an isolated invariant set of a homeomorphism (discrete dynamical system) there are partial orderings defined by the homeomorphism. These are called admissible orderings of the Morse decomposition. We prove the existence of index filtrations for admissible total orderings of a Morse decomposition and introduce the connection matrix in this case.

Induced almost continuous functions on hyperspaces

Alejandro Illanes (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For a metric continuum X, let C(X) (resp., 2 X ) be the hyperspace of subcontinua (resp., nonempty closed subsets) of X. Let f: X → Y be an almost continuous function. Let C(f): C(X) → C(Y) and 2 f : 2 X 2 Y be the induced functions given by C ( f ) ( A ) = c l Y ( f ( A ) ) and 2 f ( A ) = c l Y ( f ( A ) ) . In this paper, we prove that: • If 2 f is almost continuous, then f is continuous. • If C(f) is almost continuous and X is locally connected, then f is continuous. • If X is not locally connected, then there exists an almost continuous function f: X → [0,1] such that...

Induced near-homeomorphisms

Włodzimierz J. Charatonik (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We construct examples of mappings f and g between locally connected continua such that 2 f and C ( f ) are near-homeomorphisms while f is not, and 2 g is a near-homeomorphism, while g and C ( g ) are not. Similar examples for refinable mappings are constructed.

Induced subsystems associated to a Cantor minimal system

Heidi Dahl, Mats Molberg (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let (X,T) be a Cantor minimal system and let (R,) be the associated étale equivalence relation (the orbit equivalence relation). We show that for an arbitrary Cantor minimal system (Y,S) there exists a closed subset Z of X such that (Y,S) is conjugate to the subsystem (Z,T̃), where T̃ is the induced map on Z from T. We explore when we may choose Z to be a T-regular and/or a T-thin set, and we relate T-regularity of a set to R-étaleness. The latter concept plays an important role in the study of...

Inductive dimensions modulo simplicial complexes and ANR-compacta

V. V. Fedorchuk (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We introduce and investigate inductive dimensions 𝒦 -Ind and ℒ-Ind for classes 𝒦 of finite simplicial complexes and classes ℒ of ANR-compacta (if 𝒦 consists of the 0-sphere only, then the 𝒦 -Ind dimension is identical with the classical large inductive dimension Ind). We compare K-Ind to K-Ind introduced by the author [Mat. Vesnik 61 (2009)]. In particular, for every complex K such that K * K is non-contractible, we construct a compact Hausdorff space X with K-Ind X not equal to K-dim X.

Inductive limit topologies on Orlicz spaces

Marian Nowak (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let L ϕ be an Orlicz space defined by a convex Orlicz function ϕ and let E ϕ be the space of finite elements in L ϕ (= the ideal of all elements of order continuous norm). We show that the usual norm topology 𝒯 ϕ on L ϕ restricted to E ϕ can be obtained as an inductive limit topology with respect to some family of other Orlicz spaces. As an application we obtain a characterization of continuity of linear operators defined on E ϕ .

Inessentiality with respect to subspaces

Michael Levin (1995)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let X be a compactum and let A = ( A i , B i ) : i = 1 , 2 , . . . be a countable family of pairs of disjoint subsets of X. Then A is said to be essential on Y ⊂ X if for every closed F i separating A i and B i the intersection ( F i ) Y is not empty. So A is inessential on Y if there exist closed F i separating A i and B i such that F i does not intersect Y. Properties of inessentiality are studied and applied to prove:  Theorem. For every countable family of pairs of disjoint open subsets of a compactum X there exists an open set G ∩ X on which A is...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 188