Displaying 41 – 60 of 673

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The Banach lattice C[0,1] is super d-rigid

Y. A. Abramovich, A. K. Kitover (2003)

Studia Mathematica

The following properties of C[0,1] are proved here. Let T: C[0,1] → Y be a disjointness preserving bijection onto an arbitrary vector lattice Y. Then the inverse operator T - 1 is also disjointness preserving, the operator T is regular, and the vector lattice Y is order isomorphic to C[0,1]. In particular if Y is a normed lattice, then T is also automatically norm continuous. A major step needed for proving these properties is provided by Theorem 3.1 asserting that T satisfies some technical condition...

The Banach–Mazur game and σ-porosity

Miroslav Zelený (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is well known that the sets of the first category in a metric space can be described using the so-called Banach-Mazur game. We will show that if we change the rules of the Banach-Mazur game (by forcing the second player to choose large balls) then we can describe sets which can be covered by countably many closed uniformly porous sets. A characterization of σ-very porous sets and a sufficient condition for σ-porosity are also given in the terminology of games.

The behaviour of the nonwandering set of a piecewise monotonic interval map under small perturbations

Peter Raith (1997)

Mathematica Bohemica

In this paper piecewise monotonic maps T [ 0 , 1 ] [ 0 , 1 ] are considered. Let Q be a finite union of open intervals, and consider the set R ( Q ) of all points whose orbits omit Q . The influence of small perturbations of the endpoints of the intervals in Q on the dynamical system ( R ( Q ) , T ) is investigated. The decomposition of the nonwandering set into maximal topologically transitive subsets behaves very unstably. Nonetheless, it is shown that a maximal topologically transitive subset cannot be completely destroyed by arbitrary...

The Bohr compactification, modulo a metrizable subgroup

W. Comfort, F. Trigos-Arrieta, S. Wu (1993)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The authors prove the following result, which generalizes a well-known theorem of I. Glicksberg [G]: If G is a locally compact Abelian group with Bohr compactification bG, and if N is a closed metrizable subgroup of bG, then every A ⊆ G satisfies: A·(N ∩ G) is compact in G if and only if {aN:a ∈ A} is compact in bG/N. Examples are given to show: (a) the asserted equivalence can fail in the absence of the metrizability hypothesis, even when N ∩ G = {1}; (b) the asserted equivalence can hold for suitable...

The branch locus for one-dimensional Pisot tiling spaces

Marcy Barge, Beverly Diamond, Richard Swanson (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

If φ is a Pisot substitution of degree d, then the inflation and substitution homeomorphism Φ on the tiling space Φ factors via geometric realization onto a d-dimensional solenoid. Under this realization, the collection of Φ-periodic asymptotic tilings corresponds to a finite set that projects onto the branch locus in a d-torus. We prove that if two such tiling spaces are homeomorphic, then the resulting branch loci are the same up to the action of certain affine maps on the torus.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 673