Displaying 101 – 120 of 347

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Equivalence of certain free topological groups

Jan Baars (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we give a complete isomorphical classification of free topological groups F M ( X ) of locally compact zero-dimensional separable metric spaces X . From this classification we obtain for locally compact zero-dimensional separable metric spaces X and Y that the free topological groups F M ( X ) and F M ( Y ) are isomorphic if and only if C p ( X ) and C p ( Y ) are linearly homeomorphic.

Exponential domination in function spaces

Vladimir Vladimirovich Tkachuk (2020)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Given a Tychonoff space X and an infinite cardinal κ , we prove that exponential κ -domination in X is equivalent to exponential κ -cofinality of C p ( X ) . On the other hand, exponential κ -cofinality of X is equivalent to exponential κ -domination in C p ( X ) . We show that every exponentially κ -cofinal space X has a κ + -small diagonal; besides, if X is κ -stable, then n w ( X ) κ . In particular, any compact exponentially κ -cofinal space has weight not exceeding κ . We also establish that any exponentially κ -cofinal space X with...

Exponential separability is preserved by some products

Vladimir Vladimirovich Tkachuk (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We show that exponential separability is an inverse invariant of closed maps with countably compact exponentially separable fibers. This implies that it is preserved by products with a scattered compact factor and in the products of sequential countably compact spaces. We also provide an example of a σ -compact crowded space in which all countable subspaces are scattered. If X is a Lindelöf space and every Y X with | Y | 2 ω 1 is scattered, then X is functionally countable; if every Y X with | Y | 2 𝔠 is scattered, then...

Extension operators on balls and on spaces of finite sets

Antonio Avilés, Witold Marciszewski (2015)

Studia Mathematica

We study extension operators between spaces of continuous functions on the spaces σ ( 2 X ) of subsets of X of cardinality at most n. As an application, we show that if B H is the unit ball of a nonseparable Hilbert space H equipped with the weak topology, then, for any 0 < λ < μ, there is no extension operator T : C ( λ B H ) C ( μ B H ) .

Filters and sequences

Sławomir Solecki (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We consider two situations which relate properties of filters with properties of the limit operators with respect to these filters. In the first one, we show that the space of sequences having limits with respect to a Π 3 0 filter is itself Π 3 0 and therefore, by a result of Dobrowolski and Marciszewski, such spaces are topologically indistinguishable. This answers a question of Dobrowolski and Marciszewski. In the second one, we characterize universally measurable filters which fulfill Fatou’s lemma.

Finite-dimensional maps and dendrites with dense sets of end points

Hisao Kato, Eiichi Matsuhashi (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The first author has recently proved that if f: X → Y is a k-dimensional map between compacta and Y is p-dimensional (0 ≤ k, p < ∞), then for each 0 ≤ i ≤ p + k, the set of maps g in the space C ( X , I p + 2 k + 1 - i ) such that the diagonal product f × g : X Y × I p + 2 k + 1 - i is an (i+1)-to-1 map is a dense G δ -subset of C ( X , I p + 2 k + 1 - i ) . In this paper, we prove that if f: X → Y is as above and D j (j = 1,..., k) are superdendrites, then the set of maps h in C ( X , j = 1 k D j × I p + 1 - i ) such that f × h : X Y × ( j = 1 k D j × I p + 1 - i ) is (i+1)-to-1 is a dense G δ -subset of C ( X , j = 1 k D j × I p + 1 - i ) for each 0 ≤ i ≤ p.

Four mapping problems of Maćkowiak

E. Grace, E. Vought (1996)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In his paper "Continuous mappings on continua" [5], T. Maćkowiak collected results concerning mappings on metric continua. These results are theorems, counterexamples, and unsolved problems and are listed in a series of tables at the ends of chapters. It is the purpose of the present paper to provide solutions (three proofs and one example) to four of those problems.

Function space topologies deriving from hypertopologies and networks

A. Di Concilio, A. Miranda (2001)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

In un progetto di generalizzazione delle classiche topologie di tipo «set-open» di Arens-Dugundji introduciamo un metodo generale per produrre topologie in spazi di funzioni mediante l'uso di ipertopologie. Siano X , Y spazi topologici e C X , Y l'insieme delle funzioni continue da X verso Y . Fissato un «network» α nel dominio X ed una topologia τ nell'iperspazio C L Y del codominio Y si genera una topologia τ α in C X , Y richiedendo che una rete f λ di C X , Y converge in τ α ad f C X , Y se e solo se la rete f λ A ¯ converge in τ ad f A ¯ ...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 347