Displaying 141 – 160 of 241

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Ordered spaces and quasi-uniformities on spaces of continuous order-preserving functions.

Koena Rufus Nailana (2000)

Extracta Mathematicae

In this paper we introduce and investigate the notions of point open order topology, compact open order topology, the order topology of quasi-uniform pointwise convergence and the order topology of quasi-uniform convergence on compacta. We consider the functorial correspondence between function spaces in the categories of topological spaces, bitopological spaces and ordered topological spaces. We obtain extensions to the topological ordered case of classical topological results on function spaces....

Ordered spaces with special bases

Harold Bennett, David Lutzer (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study the roles played by four special types of bases (weakly uniform bases, ω-in-ω bases, open-in-finite bases, and sharp bases) in the classes of linearly ordered and generalized ordered spaces. For example, we show that a generalized ordered space has a weakly uniform base if and only if it is quasi-developable and has a G δ -diagonal, that a linearly ordered space has a point-countable base if and only if it is first-countable and has an ω-in-ω base, and that metrizability in a generalized ordered...

Order-like structure of monotonically normal spaces

Scott W. Williams, Hao Xuan Zhou (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

For a compact monotonically normal space X we prove:   (1)   X has a dense set of points with a well-ordered neighborhood base (and so X is co-absolute with a compact orderable space);   (2)   each point of X has a well-ordered neighborhood π -base (answering a question of Arhangel’skii);   (3)   X is hereditarily paracompact iff X has countable tightness. In the process we introduce weak-tightness, a notion key to the results above and yielding some cardinal function results on monotonically normal...

Pressing Down Lemma for λ -trees and its applications

Hui Li, Liang-Xue Peng (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For any ordinal λ of uncountable cofinality, a λ -tree is a tree T of height λ such that | T α | < cf ( λ ) for each α < λ , where T α = { x T : ht ( x ) = α } . In this note we get a Pressing Down Lemma for λ -trees and discuss some of its applications. We show that if η is an uncountable ordinal and T is a Hausdorff tree of height η such that | T α | ω for each α < η , then the tree T is collectionwise Hausdorff if and only if for each antichain C T and for each limit ordinal α η with cf ( α ) > ω , { ht ( c ) : c C } α is not stationary in α . In the last part of this note, we investigate some...

Property Q.

Bandy, C. (1991)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 241