Displaying 161 – 180 of 324

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On character of points in the Higson corona of a metric space

Taras O. Banakh, Ostap Chervak, Lubomyr Zdomskyy (2013)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove that for an unbounded metric space X , the minimal character 𝗆 χ ( X ˇ ) of a point of the Higson corona X ˇ of X is equal to 𝔲 if X has asymptotically isolated balls and to max { 𝔲 , 𝔡 } otherwise. This implies that under 𝔲 < 𝔡 a metric space X of bounded geometry is coarsely equivalent to the Cantor macro-cube 2 < if and only if dim ( X ˇ ) = 0 and 𝗆 χ ( X ˇ ) = 𝔡 . This contrasts with a result of Protasov saying that under CH the coronas of any two asymptotically zero-dimensional unbounded metric separable spaces are homeomorphic.

On countable dense and strong n-homogeneity

Jan van Mill (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that if a space X is countable dense homogeneous and no set of size n-1 separates it, then X is strongly n-homogeneous. Our main result is the construction of an example of a Polish space X that is strongly n-homogeneous for every n, but not countable dense homogeneous.

On dimensionally restricted maps

H. Murat Tuncali, Vesko Valov (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let f: X → Y be a closed n-dimensional surjective map of metrizable spaces. It is shown that if Y is a C-space, then: (1) the set of all maps g: X → ⁿ with dim(f △ g) = 0 is uniformly dense in C(X,ⁿ); (2) for every 0 ≤ k ≤ n-1 there exists an F σ -subset A k of X such that d i m A k k and the restriction f | ( X A k ) is (n-k-1)-dimensional. These are extensions of theorems by Pasynkov and Toruńczyk, respectively, obtained for finite-dimensional spaces. A generalization of a result due to Dranishnikov and Uspenskij about...

On Dimensionsgrad, resolutions, and chainable continua

Michael G. Charalambous, Jerzy Krzempek (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For each natural number n ≥ 1 and each pair of ordinals α,β with n ≤ α ≤ β ≤ ω(⁺), where ω(⁺) is the first ordinal of cardinality ⁺, we construct a continuum S n , α , β such that (a) d i m S n , α , β = n ; (b) t r D g S n , α , β = t r D g o S n , α , β = α ; (c) t r i n d S n , α , β = t r I n d S n , α , β = β ; (d) if β < ω(⁺), then S n , α , β is separable and first countable; (e) if n = 1, then S n , α , β can be made chainable or hereditarily decomposable; (f) if α = β < ω(⁺), then S n , α , β can be made hereditarily indecomposable; (g) if n = 1 and α = β < ω(⁺), then S n , α , β can be made chainable and hereditarily indecomposable. In particular,...

On Eberlein compactifications of metrizable spaces

Takashi Kimura, Kazuhiko Morishita (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that, for every finite-dimensional metrizable space, there exists a compactification that is Eberlein compact and preserves both the covering dimension and weight.

On finite sum theorems for transfinite inductive dimensions

Vitalij Chatyrko (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We discuss the exactness of estimates in the finite sum theorems for transfinite inductive dimensions trind and trInd. The technique obtained gives an opportunity to repeat and sometimes strengthen some well known results about compacta with trind ≠ trInd. In particular we improve an estimate of the small transfinite inductive dimension of Smirnov’s compacta S α , α < ω 1 , given by Luxemburg [Lu2].

On finite-dimensional maps and other maps with "small" fibers

Yaki Sternfeld (1995)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that if f is a k-dimensional map on a compact metrizable space X then there exists a σ-compact (k-1)-dimensional subset A of X such that f|X∖A is 1-dimensional. Equivalently, there exists a map g of X in I k such that dim(f × g)=1. These are extensions of theorems by Toruńczyk and Pasynkov obtained under the additional assumption that f(X) is finite-dimensional.  These results are then extended to maps with fibers restricted to some classes of spaces other than the class of k-dimensional...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 324