Displaying 2861 – 2880 of 3052

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Vanishing theorems for compact hessian manifolds

Hirohiko Shima (1986)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

A manifold is said to be Hessian if it admits a flat affine connection D and a Riemannian metric g such that g = D 2 u where u is a local function. We study cohomology for Hessian manifolds, and prove a duality theorem and vanishing theorems.

Variational principles and symmetries on fibered multisymplectic manifolds

Jordi Gaset, Pedro D. Prieto-Martínez, Narciso Román-Roy (2016)

Communications in Mathematics

The standard techniques of variational calculus are geometrically stated in the ambient of fiber bundles endowed with a (pre)multisymplectic structure. Then, for the corresponding variational equations, conserved quantities (or, what is equivalent, conservation laws), symmetries, Cartan (Noether) symmetries, gauge symmetries and different versions of Noether's theorem are studied in this ambient. In this way, this constitutes a general geometric framework for all these topics that includes, as special...

Variations by generalized symmetries of local Noether strong currents equivalent to global canonical Noether currents

Marcella Palese (2016)

Communications in Mathematics

We will pose the inverse problem question within the Krupka variational sequence framework. In particular, the interplay of inverse problems with symmetry and invariance properties will be exploited considering that the cohomology class of the variational Lie derivative of an equivalence class of forms, closed in the variational sequence, is trivial. We will focalize on the case of symmetries of globally defined field equations which are only locally variational and prove that variations of local...

Variations on a conjecture of Halperin

Gregory Lupton (1998)

Banach Center Publications

Halperin has conjectured that the Serre spectral sequence of any fibration that has fibre space a certain kind of elliptic space should collapse at the E 2 -term. In this paper we obtain an equivalent phrasing of this conjecture, in terms of formality relations between base and total spaces in such a fibration (Theorem 3.4). Also, we obtain results on relations between various numerical invariants of the base, total and fibre spaces in these fibrations. Some of our results give weak versions of Halperin’s...

Variations on a theme of homotopy

Timothy Porter (2013)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

The aim of this article is to bring together various themes from fairly elementary homotopy theory and to examine them, in part, from a historical and philosophical viewpoint.

Vector fields and connection on fibred manifolds

Dekrét, Anton (1990)

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

[For the entire collection see Zbl 0699.00032.] In a previous paper [Cas. Pestovani Mat. 115, No.4, 360-367 (1990)] the author determined the set of the vector fields on TM by which connections on TM can be constructed. In this paper, he generalizes some of such constructions to the case of vector fields on fibred manifolds, giving several examples.

Currently displaying 2861 – 2880 of 3052