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Hypercomplex Algebras and Geometry of Spaces with Fundamental Formof an Arbitrary Order

Mikhail P. Burlakov, Igor M. Burlakov, Marek Jukl (2016)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

The article is devoted to a generalization of Clifford and Grassmann algebras for the case of vector spaces over the field of complex numbers. The geometric interpretation of such generalizations are presented. Multieuclidean geometry is considered as well as the importance of it in physics.

Hyperspaces of CW-complexes

Bao-Lin Guo, Katsuro Sakai (1993)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is shown that the hyperspace of a connected CW-complex is an absolute retract for stratifiable spaces, where the hyperspace is the space of non-empty compact (connected) sets with the Vietoris topology.

Hyperspaces of Finite Sets in Universal Spaces for Absolute Borel Classes

Kotaro Mine, Katsuro Sakai, Masato Yaguchi (2005)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

By Fin(X) (resp. F i n k ( X ) ), we denote the hyperspace of all non-empty finite subsets of X (resp. consisting of at most k points) with the Vietoris topology. Let ℓ₂(τ) be the Hilbert space with weight τ and f ( τ ) the linear span of the canonical orthonormal basis of ℓ₂(τ). It is shown that if E = f ( τ ) or E is an absorbing set in ℓ₂(τ) for one of the absolute Borel classes α ( τ ) and α ( τ ) of weight ≤ τ (α > 0) then Fin(E) and each F i n k ( E ) are homeomorphic to E. More generally, if X is a connected E-manifold then Fin(X) is homeomorphic...

Hyperspaces of Peano continua of euclidean spaces

Helma Gladdines, Jan van Mill (1993)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

If X is a space then L(X) denotes the subspace of C(X) consisting of all Peano (sub)continua. We prove that for n ≥ 3 the space L ( n ) is homeomorphic to B , where B denotes the pseudo-boundary of the Hilbert cube Q.

Hypersurfaces in n and critical points in their external region

P. M. G. Manchón (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we study the hypersurfaces M n given as connected compact regular fibers of a differentiable map f : n + 1 , in the cases in which f has finitely many nondegenerate critical points in the unbounded component of n + 1 - M n .

Hypersurfaces intégrales des feuilletages holomorphes

Felipe Cano, Jean-François Mattei (1992)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit ω un germe en 0 C n de 1-forme différentielle holomorphe, satisfaisant la condition d’intégrabilité ω d ω = 0 et non dicritique, i.e. sur toute surface Z non intégrale de ω , on ne peut tracer, au voisinage de 0, qu’un nombre fini de germes de courbes analytiques ( Γ i , P i ) , intégrales de ω , avec P i Z Sing ω . Alors ω possède un germe d’hypersurface analytique intégrale.

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