Displaying 181 – 200 of 576

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On local flatness of manifolds with AHS-structures

Čap, Andreas, Slovák, Jan (1996)

Proceedings of the 15th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

Summary: The AHS-structures on manifolds are the simplest cases of the so called parabolic geometries which are modeled on homogeneous spaces corresponding to a parabolic subgroup in a semisimple Lie group. It covers the cases where the negative parts of the graded Lie algebras in question are abelian. In the series the authors developed a consistent frame bundle approach to the subject. Here we give explicit descriptions of the obstructions against the flatness of such structures based on the latter...

On locally Lipschitz locally compact transformation groups of manifolds

A. A. George Michael (2007)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper we show that a “locally Lipschitz” locally compact transformation group acting continuously and effectively on a connected paracompact locally Euclidean topological manifold is a Lie group. This is a contribution to the proof of the Hilbert-Smith conjecture. It generalizes the classical Bochner-Montgomery-Kuranishi Theorem[1, 9] and also the Repovš-Ščepin Theorem [17] which holds only for Riemannian manifolds.

On Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of SO(10)

Norio Iwase, Toshiyuki Miyauchi (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let G be a compact connected Lie group and p: E → ΣA be a principal G-bundle with a characteristic map α: A → G, where A = ΣA₀ for some A₀. Let K i F i - 1 F i | 1 i m with F₀ = ∗, F₁ = ΣK₁ and Fₘ ≃ G be a cone-decomposition of G of length m and F’₁ = ΣK’₁ ⊂ F₁ with K’₁ ⊂ K₁ which satisfy F i F ' F i + 1 up to homotopy for all i. Then cat(E) ≤ m + 1, under suitable conditions, which is used to determine cat(SO(10)). A similar result was obtained by Kono and the first author (2007) to determine cat(Spin(9)), but that result could not...

On malnormal peripheral subgroups of the fundamental group of a 3 -manifold

Pierre de la Harpe, Claude Weber (2014)

Confluentes Mathematici

Let K be a non-trivial knot in the 3 -sphere, E K its exterior, G K = π 1 ( E K ) its group, and P K = π 1 ( E K ) G K its peripheral subgroup. We show that P K is malnormal in G K , namely that g P K g - 1 P K = { e } for any g G K with g P K , unless K is in one of the following three classes: torus knots, cable knots, and composite knots; these are exactly the classes for which there exist annuli in E K attached to T K which are not boundary parallel (Theorem 1 and Corollary 2). More generally, we characterise malnormal peripheral subgroups in the fundamental group of a...

On manifold spines and cyclic presentations of groups

Alberto Cavicchioli, Friedrich Hegenbarth, Dušan Repovš (1998)

Banach Center Publications

This is a survey of results and open problems on compact 3-manifolds which admit spines corresponding to cyclic presentations of groups. We also discuss questions concerning spines of knot manifolds and regular neighborhoods of homotopically PL embedded compacta in 3-manifolds.

On manifolds diffeomorphic on the complement of a point

Stefano De Michelis (1991)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

We prove that four manifolds diffeomorphic on the complement of a point have the same Donaldson invariants.

On manifolds homotopy equivalent to the total spaces of S 7 -bundles over S 8

Ajay Raj, Tibor Macko (2024)

Archivum Mathematicum

We calculate the structure sets in the sense of surgery theory of total spaces of bundles over eight-dimensional sphere with fibre a seven-dimensional sphere, in which manifolds homotopy equivalent to the total spaces are organized, and we investigate the question, which of the elements in these structure sets can be realized as such bundles.

On manifolds with nonhomogeneous factors

Manuel Cárdenas, Francisco Lasheras, Antonio Quintero, Dušan Repovš (2012)

Open Mathematics

We present simple examples of finite-dimensional connected homogeneous spaces (they are actually topological manifolds) with nonhomogeneous and nonrigid factors. In particular, we give an elementary solution of an old problem in general topology concerning homogeneous spaces.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 576