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Minimal degree sequence for 2-bridge knots

Prabhakar Madeti, Rama Mishra (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We discuss polynomial representations for 2-bridge knots and determine the minimal degree sequence for all such knots. We apply the connection between rational tangles and 2-bridge knots.

Minimality and unique ergodicity for subgroup actions

Shahar Mozes, Barak Weiss (1998)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let G be an -algebraic semisimple group, H an algebraic -subgroup, and Γ a lattice in G . Partially answering a question posed by Hillel Furstenberg in 1972, we prove that if the action of H on G / Γ is minimal, then it is uniquely ergodic. Our proof uses in an essential way Marina Ratner’s classification of probability measures on G / Γ invariant under unipotent elements, and the study of “tubes” in G / Γ .

Minimality of toric arrangements

Giacomo d'Antonio, Emanuele Delucchi (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove that the complement of a toric arrangement has the homotopy type of a minimal CW-complex. As a corollary we deduce that the integer cohomology of these spaces is torsionfree. We apply discrete Morse theory to the toric Salvetti complex, providing a sequence of cellular collapses that leads to a minimal complex.

Minoration du spectre des variétés hyperboliques de dimension 3

Pierre Jammes (2012)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Soit M une variété hyperbolique compacte de dimension 3, de diamètre  d et de volume V . Si on note μ i ( M ) la i -ième valeur propre du laplacien de Hodge-de Rham agissant sur les 1-formes coexactes de M , on montre que μ 1 ( M ) c d 3 e 2 k d et μ k + 1 ( M ) c d 2 , où c > 0 est une constante ne dépendant que de V , et k est le nombre de composantes connexes de la partie mince de M . En outre, on montre que pour toute 3-variété hyperbolique M de volume fini avec cusps, il existe une suite M i de remplissages compacts de M , de diamètre d i + telle que et μ 1 ( M i ) c d i 2 .

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