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Singularité générique des applications différentiables de la 2-sphère dans une 3-variété différentiable

Jean-Loïc Batude (1971)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Dans cet article nous étudions les singularités des applications différentiables de la deux sphère dans une trois variété avec les méthodes de transversalité et nous utilisons les résultats obtenus pour reprendre dans le cas différentiable, les démonstrations de Papakyriakopoulos et de Whitehead du théorème de la sphère.

Singularities in contact geometry

Marc Chaperon (2003)

Banach Center Publications

In the first half of the paper, we consider singularities of infinitesimal contact transformations and first order partial differential equations, the main results being related to the classical Sternberg-Chen theorem for hyperbolic germs of vector fields. The second half explains how to construct global generating phase functions for solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations and see what their singularities look like.

Singularities in drawings of singular surfaces

Alain Joets (2008)

Banach Center Publications

When drawing regular surfaces, one creates a concrete and visual example of a projection between two spaces of dimension 2. The singularities of the projection define the apparent contour of the surface. As a result there are two types of generic singularities: fold and cusp (Whitney singularities). The case of singular surfaces is much more complex. A priori, it is expected that new singularities may appear, resulting from the "interaction" between the singularities of the surface and the singularities...

Singularities of implicit differential systems and maximum principle

Stanisław Janeczko, Fernand Pelletier (2003)

Banach Center Publications

The integrability condition for the Lagrangian implicit differential systems of (TP,ω̇), introduced in [7], is applied for the specialized control theory systems. The Pontryagin maximum principle was reformulated in the framework of implicit differential systems and the corresponding necessary and sufficient conditions were proved. The beginning of the classification list of normal forms for Lagrangian implicit differential systems according to the symplectic equivalence is provided and the corresponding...

Singularities of non-degenerate n-ruled (n + 1)-manifolds in Euclidean space

Kentaro Saji (2004)

Banach Center Publications

The objective of this paper is to study singularities of n-ruled (n + 1)-manifolds in Euclidean space. They are one-parameter families of n-dimensional affine subspaces in Euclidean space. After defining a non-degenerate n-ruled (n + 1)-manifold we will give a necessary and sufficient condition for such a map germ to be right-left equivalent to the cross cap × interval. The behavior of a generic n-ruled (n + 1)-manifold is also discussed.

Skein algebra of a group

Józef Przytycki, Adam Sikora (1998)

Banach Center Publications

We define for each group G the skein algebra of G. We show how it is related to the Kauffman bracket skein modules. We prove that skein algebras of abelian groups are isomorphic to symmetric subalgebras of corresponding group rings. Moreover, we show that, for any abelian group G, homomorphisms from the skein algebra of G to C correspond exactly to traces of SL(2,C)-representations of G. We also solve, for abelian groups, the conjecture of Bullock on SL(2,C) character varieties of groups - we show...

Skein algebras of the solid torus and symmetric spatial graphs

Nafaa Chbili (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We use the topological invariant of spatial graphs introduced by S. Yamada to find necessary conditions for a spatial graph to be periodic with a prime period. The proof of the main result is based on computing the Yamada skein algebra of the solid torus and then proving that it injects into the Kauffman bracket skein algebra of the solid torus.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 445