Displaying 101 – 120 of 128

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Stable rational cohomology of automorphism groups of free groups and the integral cohomology of moduli spaces of graphs.

Craig A. Jensen (2002)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

It is not known whether or not the stable rational cohomology groups H*(Aut(F∞);Q) always vanish (see Hatcher in [5] and Hatcher and Vogtmann in [7] where they pose the question and show that it does vanish in the first 6 dimensions). We show that either the rational cohomology does not vanish in certain dimensions, or the integral cohomology of a moduli space of pointed graphs does not stabilize in certain other dimensions. Similar results are stated for groups of outer automorphisms. This yields...

Structure of geodesics in the Cayley graph of infinite Coxeter groups

Ryszard Szwarc (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let (W,S) be a Coxeter system such that no two generators in S commute. Assume that the Cayley graph of (W,S) does not contain adjacent hexagons. Then for any two vertices x and y in the Cayley graph of W and any number k ≤ d = dist(x,y) there are at most two vertices z such that dist(x,z) = k and dist(z,y) = d - k. Allowing adjacent hexagons, but assuming that no three hexagons can be adjacent to each other, we show that the number of such intermediate vertices at a given distance from x and y...

The abelianization of the Johnson kernel

Alexandru Dimca, Richard Hain, Stefan Papadima (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove that the first complex homology of the Johnson subgroup of the Torelli group T g is a non-trivial, unipotent T g -module for all g 4 and give an explicit presentation of it as a S y m . H 1 ( T g , C ) -module when g 6 . We do this by proving that, for a finitely generated group G satisfying an assumption close to formality, the triviality of the restricted characteristic variety implies that the first homology of its Johnson kernel is a nilpotent module over the corresponding Laurent polynomial ring, isomorphic to the...

The geometry of abstract groups and their splittings.

Charles Terence Clegg Wall (2003)

Revista Matemática Complutense

A survey of splitting theorems for abstract groups and their applications. Topics covered include preliminaries, early results, Bass-Serre theory, the structure of G-trees, Serre's applications to SL2 and length functions. Stallings' theorem, results about accessibility and bounds for splittability. Duality groups and pairs; results of Eckmann and collaborators on PD2 groups. Relative ends, the JSJ theorems and the splitting results of Kropholler and Roller on PDn groups. Notions of quasi-isometry,...

The isomorphism problem for toral relatively hyperbolic groups

François Dahmani, Daniel Groves (2008)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

We provide a solution to the isomorphism problem for torsion-free relatively hyperbolic groups with abelian parabolics. As special cases we recover solutions to the isomorphism problem for: (i) torsion-free hyperbolic groups (Sela, [60] and unpublished); and (ii) finitely generated fully residually free groups (Bumagin, Kharlampovich and Miasnikov [14]). We also give a solution to the homeomorphism problem for finite volume hyperbolic n -manifolds, for n 3 . In the course of the proof of the main result,...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 128