Displaying 381 – 400 of 438

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The BIC of a singular foliation defined by an abelian group of isometries

Martintxo Saralegi-Aranguren, Robert Wolak (2006)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We study the cohomology properties of the singular foliation ℱ determined by an action Φ: G × M → M where the abelian Lie group G preserves a riemannian metric on the compact manifold M. More precisely, we prove that the basic intersection cohomology * p ̅ ( M / ) is finite-dimensional and satisfies the Poincaré duality. This duality includes two well known situations: ∙ Poincaré duality for basic cohomology (the action Φ is almost free). ∙ Poincaré duality for intersection cohomology (the group G is compact...

The diffeomorphism group of a Lie foliation

Gilbert Hector, Enrique Macías-Virgós, Antonio Sotelo-Armesto (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We describe explicitly the group of transverse diffeomorphisms of several types of minimal linear foliations on the torus T n , n 2 . We show in particular that non-quadratic foliations are rigid, in the sense that their only transverse diffeomorphisms are ± Id and translations. The description derives from a general formula valid for the group of transverse diffeomorphisms of any minimal Lie foliation on a compact manifold. Our results generalize those of P. Donato and P. Iglesias for T 2 , P. Iglesias and...

The *-holonomy group of the Stefan suspension of a diffeomorphism

Andrzej Piątkowski (1993)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The definition of a Stefan suspension of a diffeomorphism is given. If g is the Stefan suspension of the diffeomorphism g over a Stefan foliation , and G₀ ∈ satisfies the condition g | G = i d G , then we compute the *-holonomy group for the leaf F g determined by G₀. A representative element of the *-holonomy along the standard imbedding of S¹ into F₀ is characterized. A corollary for the case when G₀ contains only one point is derived.

The Poincaré-Bendixson theorem and arational foliations on the sphere

Igor Nikolaev (1996)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Foliations on the 2-sphere with a finite number of non-orientable singularities are considered. For this class a Poincaré-Bendixson theorem is established. In particular, the work gives an answer to a problem of H. Rosenberg concerning labyrinths.

Théorèmes de finitude pour les variétés pfaffiennes

Robert Moussu, Claude Roche (1992)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On introduit, dans ce travail, une hypothèse sur le spiralement d’une feuille d’un feuilletage analytique réel de codimension un (hypersurface pfaffienne). On en tire des résultats très généraux de finitude du type de Khovanskii. Des exemples précis montrent la généralité de ces hypersurfaces pfaffiennes. Une description complété des bouts de telles variétés en dimension trois est donnée.

Théorèmes de slice et holonomie des feuilletages riemanniens singuliers

Pierre Molino, M. Pierrot (1987)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit ( M , ) un feuilletage riemannien sur une variété compacte; est le feuilletage singulier défini par les adhérences des feuilles ( F , ) le feuilletage induit sur une adhérence générique. On étudie le cas où ( F , ) n’a pas de champ transverse non trivial. Alors l’espace quotient W = M / a une structure naturelle de variété de Sataké, de manière que la projection M W soit un morphisme (de variétés de Sataké) avec pliage autour des adhérences singulières.

Tischler fibrations of open foliated sets

John Cantwell, Lawrence Conlon (1981)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let M be a closed, foliated manifold, and let U be an open, connected, saturated subset that is a union of locally dense leaves without holonomy. Supplementary conditions are given under which U admits an approximating (Tischler) fibration over S 1 . If the fibration exists, conditions under which the original leaves are regular coverings of the fibers are studied also. Examples are given to show that our supplementary conditions are generally required.

Currently displaying 381 – 400 of 438