Displaying 481 – 500 of 721

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The triangle and the open triangle

Gady Kozma (2011)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We show that for percolation on any transitive graph, the triangle condition implies the open triangle condition.

The uniqueness of invariant measures for Markov operators

Tomasz Szarek (2008)

Studia Mathematica

It is shown that Markov operators with equicontinuous dual operators which overlap supports have at most one invariant measure. In this way we extend the well known result proved for Markov operators with the strong Feller property by R. Z. Khas'minski.

The unscaled paths of branching brownian motion

Simon C. Harris, Matthew I. Roberts (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

For a set A ⊂ C[0, ∞), we give new results on the growth of the number of particles in a branching Brownian motion whose paths fall within A. We show that it is possible to work without rescaling the paths. We give large deviations probabilities as well as a more sophisticated proof of a result on growth in the number of particles along certain sets of paths. Our results reveal that the number of particles can oscillate dramatically. We also obtain new results on the number of particles near the...

The V a -deformation of the classical convolution

Anna Dorota Krystek (2007)

Banach Center Publications

We study deformations of the classical convolution. For every invertible transformation T:μ ↦ Tμ, we are able to define a new associative convolution of measures by μ * T ν = T - 1 ( T μ * T ν ) . We deal with the V a -deformation of the classical convolution. We prove the analogue of the classical Lévy-Khintchine formula. We also show the central limit measure, which turns out to be the standard Gaussian measure. Moreover, we calculate the Poisson measure in the V a -deformed classical convolution and give the orthogonal polynomials...

The value function in ergodic control of diffusion processes with partial observations II

Vivek Borkar (2000)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The problem of minimizing the ergodic or time-averaged cost for a controlled diffusion with partial observations can be recast as an equivalent control problem for the associated nonlinear filter. In analogy with the completely observed case, one may seek the value function for this problem as the vanishing discount limit of value functions for the associated discounted cost problems. This passage is justified here for the scalar case under a stability hypothesis, leading in particular to a "martingale"...

Currently displaying 481 – 500 of 721