Displaying 541 – 560 of 721

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Théorèmes limites avec poids pour les martingales vectorielles à temps continu

Faouzi Chaabane, Ahmed Kebaier (2008)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

On développe une approche générale du théorème limite centrale presque-sûre pour les martingales vectorielles quasi-continues à gauche convenablement normalisées dont on dégage une extension quadratique et un nouveau théorème de la limite centrale. L'application de ce résultat à l'estimation de la variance d'un processus à accroissements indépendants et stationnaires illustre l'usage qu'on peut en faire en statistique.

Théorèmes limites avec poids pour les martingales vectorielles

Faouzi Chaabane, Faïza Maaouia (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We give limit theorems specifying weak and strong rates of convergence associated to a quadratic extension of the martingale almost-sure central limit theorem. Some typical examples are discussed to illustrate how to make use of them in statistic.

Théorèmes limites pour certaines fonctionnelles associées aux processus stables sur l'espace de Hölder.

M. Ait Ouahra, Mohamed Eddahbi (2001)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this paper we study the Hölder regularity property of the local time of a symmetric stable process of index 1 < α ≤ 2 and of its fractional derivative as a doubly indexed process with respect to the space and the time variables. As an application we establish some limit theorems for occupation times of one-dimensional symmetric stable processes in the space of Hölder continuous functions. Our results generalize those obtained by Fitzsimmons and Getoor for stable processes in the space...

Theoretical analysis of steady state genetic algorithms

Alexandru Agapie, Alden H. Wright (2014)

Applications of Mathematics

Evolutionary Algorithms, also known as Genetic Algorithms in a former terminology, are probabilistic algorithms for optimization, which mimic operators from natural selection and genetics. The paper analyses the convergence of the heuristic associated to a special type of Genetic Algorithm, namely the Steady State Genetic Algorithm (SSGA), considered as a discrete-time dynamical system non-generational model. Inspired by the Markov chain results in finite Evolutionary Algorithms, conditions are...

Theoretical and numerical aspects of stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equations

Anne de Bouard, Arnaud Debussche, Laurent Di Menza (2001)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

We describe several results obtained recently on stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equations. We show that under suitable smoothness assumptions on the noise, the nonlinear Schrödinger perturbed by an additive or multiplicative noise is well posed under similar assumptions on the nonlinear term as in the deterministic theory. Then, we restrict our attention to the case of a focusing nonlinearity with critical or supercritical exponent. If the noise is additive, smooth in space and non degenerate,...

Currently displaying 541 – 560 of 721