Displaying 621 – 640 of 1119

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Stochastic calculus with respect to fractional Brownian motion

David Nualart (2006)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Fractional Brownian motion (fBm) is a centered self-similar Gaussian process with stationary increments, which depends on a parameter H ( 0 , 1 ) called the Hurst index. In this conference we will survey some recent advances in the stochastic calculus with respect to fBm. In the particular case H = 1 / 2 , the process is an ordinary Brownian motion, but otherwise it is not a semimartingale and Itô calculus cannot be used. Different approaches have been introduced to construct stochastic integrals with respect to fBm:...

Stochastic characterization of plurisubharmonicity and convexity of functions

Maciej Klimek (2015)

Banach Center Publications

It is described how both plurisubharmonicity and convexity of functions can be characterized in terms of simple to work with classes of holomorphic martingales, namely a class of driftless Itô processes satisfying a skew-symmetry property and a family of linear modifications of Brownian motion parametrized by a compact set.

Stochastic comparison of multivariate random sums

Rafał Kulik (2003)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We establish preservation results for the stochastic comparison of multivariate random sums of stationary, not necessarily independent, sequences of nonnegative random variables. We consider convex-type orderings, i.e. convex, coordinatewise convex, upper orthant convex and directionally convex orderings. Our theorems generalize the well-known results for the stochastic ordering of random sums of independent random variables.

Stochastic comparisons of moment estimators of gamma distribution parameters

Piotr Nowak (2012)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Recently the order preserving property of estimators has been intensively studied, e.g. by Gan and Balakrishnan and collaborators. In this paper we prove the stochastic monotonicity of moment estimators of gamma distribution parameters using the standard coupling method and majorization theory. We also give some properties of the moment estimator of the shape parameter and derive an approximate confidence interval for this parameter.

Stochastic continuity and approximation

Leon Brown, Bertram Schreiber (1996)

Studia Mathematica

This work is concerned with the study of stochastic processes which are continuous in probability, over various parameter spaces, from the point of view of approximation and extension. A stochastic version of the classical theorem of Mergelyan on polynomial approximation is shown to be valid for subsets of the plane whose boundaries are sets of rational approximation. In a similar vein, one can obtain a version in the context of continuity in probability of the theorem of Arakelyan on the uniform...

Stochastic control optimal in the Kullback sense

Jan Šindelář, Igor Vajda, Miroslav Kárný (2008)


The paper solves the problem of minimization of the Kullback divergence between a partially known and a completely known probability distribution. It considers two probability distributions of a random vector ( u 1 , x 1 , ... , u T , x T ) on a sample space of 2 T dimensions. One of the distributions is known, the other is known only partially. Namely, only the conditional probability distributions of x τ given u 1 , x 1 , ... , u τ - 1 , x τ - 1 , u τ are known for τ = 1 , ... , T . Our objective is to determine the remaining conditional probability distributions of u τ given u 1 , x 1 , ... , u τ - 1 , x τ - 1 such...

Stochastic convolution in separable Banach spaces and the stochastic linear Cauchy problem

Zdzisław Brzeźniak, Jan van Neerven (2000)

Studia Mathematica

Let H be a separable real Hilbert space and let E be a separable real Banach space. We develop a general theory of stochastic convolution of ℒ(H,E)-valued functions with respect to a cylindrical Wiener process W t H t [ 0 , T ] with Cameron-Martin space H. This theory is applied to obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a weak solution of the stochastic abstract Cauchy problem (ACP) d X t = A X t d t + B d W t H (t∈ [0,T]), X 0 = 0 almost surely, where A is the generator of a C 0 -semigroup S ( t ) t 0 of bounded linear operators on...

Stochastic differential equations driven by processes generated by divergence form operators II: convergence results

Antoine Lejay (2008)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We have seen in a previous article how the theory of “rough paths” allows us to construct solutions of differential equations driven by processes generated by divergence form operators. In this article, we study a convergence criterion which implies that one can interchange the integral with the limit of a family of stochastic processes generated by divergence form operators. As a corollary, we identify stochastic integrals constructed with the theory of rough paths with Stratonovich or Itô integrals...

Stochastic differential equations driven by processes generated by divergence form operators I: a Wong-Zakai theorem

Antoine Lejay (2006)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We show in this article how the theory of “rough paths” allows us to construct solutions of differential equations (SDEs) driven by processes generated by divergence-form operators. For that, we use approximations of the trajectories of the stochastic process by piecewise smooth paths. A result of type Wong-Zakai follows immediately.

Currently displaying 621 – 640 of 1119