Displaying 81 – 100 of 131

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Homogenization of a semilinear parabolic PDE with locally periodic coefficients: a probabilistic approach

Abdellatif Benchérif-Madani, Étienne Pardoux (2007)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this paper, a singular semi-linear parabolic PDE with locally periodic coefficients is homogenized. We substantially weaken previous assumptions on the coefficients. In particular, we prove new ergodic theorems. We show that in such a weak setting on the coefficients, the proper statement of the homogenization property concerns viscosity solutions, though we need a bounded Lipschitz terminal condition.

Homogenization of locally stationary diffusions with possibly degenerate diffusion matrix

Rémi Rhodes (2009)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

This paper deals with homogenization of second order divergence form parabolic operators with locally stationary coefficients. Roughly speaking, locally stationary coefficients have two evolution scales: both an almost constant microscopic one and a smoothly varying macroscopic one. The homogenization procedure aims to give a macroscopic approximation that takes into account the microscopic heterogeneities. This paper follows [Probab. Theory Related Fields (2009)] and improves this latter work by...

Homogenization results for a linear dynamics in random Glauber type environment

Cédric Bernardin (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider an energy conserving linear dynamics that we perturb by a Glauber dynamics with random site dependent intensity. We prove hydrodynamic limits for this non-reversible system in random media. The diffusion coefficient turns out to depend on the random field only by its statistics. The diffusion coefficient defined through the Green–Kubo formula is also studied and its convergence to some homogenized diffusion coefficient is proved.

Homomorphisms to constructed from random walks

Anna Erschler, Anders Karlsson (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We give a construction of homomorphisms from a group into the reals using random walks on the group. The construction is an alternative to an earlier construction that works in more general situations. Applications include an estimate on the drift of random walks on groups of subexponential growth admitting no nontrivial homomorphism to the integers and inequalities between the asymptotic drift and the asymptotic entropy. Some of the entropy estimates obtained have applications independent of the...

Horocyclic products of trees

Laurent Bartholdi, Markus Neuhauser, Wolfgang Woess (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let T 1 , , T d be homogeneous trees with degrees q 1 + 1 , , q d + 1 3 , respectively. For each tree, let 𝔥 : T j be the Busemann function with respect to a fixed boundary point (end). Its level sets are the horocycles. The horocyclic product of T 1 , , T d is the graph 𝖣𝖫 ( q 1 , , q d ) consisting of all d -tuples x 1 x d T 1 × × T d with 𝔥 ( x 1 ) + + 𝔥 ( x d ) = 0 , equipped with a natural neighbourhood relation. In the present paper, we explore the geometric, algebraic, analytic and probabilistic properties of these graphs and their isometry groups. If d = 2 and q 1 = q 2 = q then we obtain a Cayley graph of the...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 131