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Strict fine maxima.

Fitzsimmons, P.J. (2000)

Electronic Communications in Probability [electronic only]

Superdiffusive bounds on self-repellent precesses in d = 2 — extended abstract

Bálint Tóth, Benedek Valkó (2010)

Actes des rencontres du CIRM

We prove superdiffusivity with multiplicative logarithmic corrections for a class of models of random walks and diffusions with long memory. The family of models includes the “true” (or “myopic”) self-avoiding random walk, self-repelling Durrett-Rogers polymer model and diffusion in the curl-field of (mollified) massless free Gaussian field in 2D. We adapt methods developed in the context of bulk diffusion of ASEP by Landim-Quastel-Salmhofer-Yau (2004).

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