Displaying 141 – 160 of 179

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Problèmes de méthodologie statistique. II. —Étude d'un conflit robustesse-efficacité dans le problème de la comparaison de deux moyennes (groupes indépendants)

H. Rouanet, D. Lépine (1974)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

Le conflit robustesse-efficacité se trouve posé notamment chaque fois que l'on a à choisir entre deux méthodes d'inférence statistique dont l'une est privilégiée sous un modèle plus spécifique et l'autre sous un modèle plus général. Ce conflit est étudié dans le cas de la comparaison de deux moyennes (groupes indépendants), à propos du choix entre le modèle (spécifique) postulant l'égalité des variances intra-groupes et le modèle (général) à variances quelconques. On montre que le choix n'est crucial...

Proč jsou logaritmické tabulky nejohmatanější na začátku?

Jiří Dvořák (2019)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

Z dnešního pohledu jsou logaritmické tabulky něco jako film pro pamětníky. Člověk si je nechává na poličce možná ze sentimentu, možná "pro všechny případy", ale do ruky je vezme vlastně jen při úklidu. Přesto otázka v názvu tohoto příspěvku motivovala vznik zajímavého kousku matematiky s užitečnými aplikacemi, relevantními i v dnešní době. Tento článek podává stručný přehled této problematiky.

Process parameter prediction via markov models of sub-activities

Lino G. Marujo, Raad Y. Qassim (2014)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

This work aims to fill a lacunae in the project-oriented production systems literature providing a formal analytic description of the rework effects formulae and the determination of the extended design time due to a certain degree of overlapping in a pair of activities. It is made through the utilization of concepts of workflow construction with hidden (semi) Markov models theory and establishing a way to disaggregate activities into sub-activities, in order to determine the activity parameters...

Product of exponentials and spectral radius of random k-circulants

Arup Bose, Rajat Subhra Hazra, Koushik Saha (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider n × n random k-circulant matrices with n → ∞ and k = k(n) whose input sequence {al}l≥0 is independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables with finite (2 + δ) moment. We study the asymptotic distribution of the spectral radius, when n = kg + 1. For this, we first derive the tail behaviour of the g fold product of i.i.d. exponential random variables. Then using this tail behaviour result and appropriate normal approximation techniques, we show that with appropriate scaling...

Prognosis and optimization of homogeneous Markov message handling networks

Pavel Boček, Tomáš Feglar, Martin Janžura, Igor Vajda (2001)


Message handling systems with finitely many servers are mathematically described as homogeneous Markov networks. For hierarchic networks is found a recursive algorithm evaluating after finitely many steps all steady state parameters. Applications to optimization of the system design and management are discussed, as well as a program product 5P (Program for Prognosis of Performance Parameters and Problems) based on the presented theoretical conclusions. The theoretic achievements as well as the practical...

Projection pursuit quadratic regression - the normal case

František Štulajter (1988)

Aplikace matematiky

The model of quadratic regression is studied by means of the projection pursuit method. This method leads to a decomposition of the matrix of quadratic regression, which can be used for an estimation of this matrix from the data observed.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 179