Displaying 181 – 200 of 252

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Power of A Class of Goodness-of-Fit Tests I

Christopher S. Withers, Saralees Nadarajah (2009)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Consider testing whether F = F0 for a continuous cdf on R = (-∞,∞) and for a random sample X1,..., Xn from F. We derive expansions of the associated asymptotic power based on the Cramer-von Mises, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Kuiper statistics. We provide numerical illustrations using a double-exponential example with a shifted alternative.

Prediction problems related to a first-order autoregressive process in the presence of outliers

Sugata Sen Roy, Sourav Chakraborty (2006)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Outliers in a time series often cause problems in fitting a suitable model to the data. Hence predictions based on such models are liable to be erroneous. In this paper we consider a stable first-order autoregressive process and suggest two methods of substituting an outlier by imputed values and then predicting on the basis of it. The asymptotic properties of both the process parameter estimators and the predictors are also studied.

Random coefficients bifurcating autoregressive processes

Benoîte de Saporta, Anne Gégout-Petit, Laurence Marsalle (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

This paper presents a new model of asymmetric bifurcating autoregressive process with random coefficients. We couple this model with a Galton−Watson tree to take into account possibly missing observations. We propose least-squares estimators for the various parameters of the model and prove their consistency, with a convergence rate, and asymptotic normality. We use both the bifurcating Markov chain and martingale approaches and derive new results in both these frameworks.

Random thresholds for linear model selection

Marc Lavielle, Carenne Ludeña (2008)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

A method is introduced to select the significant or non null mean terms among a collection of independent random variables. As an application we consider the problem of recovering the significant coefficients in non ordered model selection. The method is based on a convenient random centering of the partial sums of the ordered observations. Based on L-statistics methods we show consistency of the proposed estimator. An extension to unknown parametric distributions is considered. Simulated examples...

Reference points based transformation and approximation

Csaba Török (2013)


Interpolating and approximating polynomials have been living separately more than two centuries. Our aim is to propose a general parametric regression model that incorporates both interpolation and approximation. The paper introduces first a new r -point transformation that yields a function with a simpler geometrical structure than the original function. It uses r 2 reference points and decreases the polynomial degree by r - 1 . Then a general representation of polynomials is proposed based on r 1 reference...

Risk bounds for new M-estimation problems

Nabil Rachdi, Jean-Claude Fort, Thierry Klein (2013)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this paper, we consider a new framework where two types of data are available: experimental data Y1,...,Yn supposed to be i.i.d from Y and outputs from a simulated reduced model. We develop a procedure for parameter estimation to characterize a feature of the phenomenon Y. We prove a risk bound qualifying the proposed procedure in terms of the number of experimental data n, reduced model complexity and computing budget m. The method we present is general enough to cover a wide range of applications....

Robust median estimator for generalized linear models with binary responses

Tomáš Hobza, Leandro Pardo, Igor Vajda (2012)


The paper investigates generalized linear models (GLM's) with binary responses such as the logistic, probit, log-log, complementary log-log, scobit and power logit models. It introduces a median estimator of the underlying structural parameters of these models based on statistically smoothed binary responses. Consistency and asymptotic normality of this estimator are proved. Examples of derivation of the asymptotic covariance matrix under the above mentioned models are presented. Finally some comments...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 252