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Spatial prediction of the mark of a location-dependent marked point process: How the use of a parametric model may improve prediction

Tomáš Mrkvička, François Goreaud, Joël Chadoeuf (2011)


We discuss the prediction of a spatial variable of a multivariate mark composed of both dependent and explanatory variables. The marks are location-dependent and they are attached to a point process. We assume that the marks are assigned independently, conditionally on an unknown underlying parametric field. We compare (i) the classical non-parametric Nadaraya-Watson kernel estimator based on the dependent variable (ii) estimators obtained under an assumption of local parametric model where explanatory...

Spectral density estimation for stationary stable random fields

Rachid Sabre (1995)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We consider a stationary symmetric stable bidimensional process with discrete time, having the spectral representation (1.1). We consider a general case where the spectral measure is assumed to be the sum of an absolutely continuous measure, a discrete measure of finite order and a finite number of absolutely continuous measures on several lines. We estimate the density of the absolutely continuous measure and the density on the lines.

Statistical inference for fault detection: a complete algorithm based on kernel estimators

Piotr Kulczycki (2002)


This article presents a new concept for a statistical fault detection system, including the detection, diagnosis, and prediction of faults. Theoretical material has been collected to provide a complete algorithm making possible the design of a usable system for statistical inference on the basis of the current value of a symptom vector. The use of elements of artificial intelligence enables self-correction and adaptation to changing conditions. The mathematical apparatus is founded on the methodology...

Strong uniform consistency rates of some characteristics of the conditional distribution estimator in the functional single-index model

Amina Angelika Bouchentouf, Tayeb Djebbouri, Abbes Rabhi, Khadidja Sabri (2014)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The aim of this paper is to establish a nonparametric estimate of some characteristics of the conditional distribution. Kernel type estimators for the conditional cumulative distribution function and for the successive derivatives of the conditional density of a scalar response variable Y given a Hilbertian random variable X are introduced when the observations are linked with a single-index structure. We establish the pointwise almost complete convergence and the uniform almost complete convergence...

Una aplicación de la estimación no paramétrica al modelo lineal general con varianza no homógenea.

Wenceslao González Manteiga (1985)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

En este trabajo se introduce un nuevo estimador de la recta de regresión cuando la varianza de los errores aleatorios no es homogénea. La consideración de que la función varianza sea suave nos permite estimarla mediante métodos de estimación no paramétrica para luego a través de tales estimaciones definir un estimador mínimo cuadrático ponderado. Se prueba que tal estimador es asintóticamente optimal en el sentido de la mínima varianza.

Una clase de estimadores para los parámetros de un proceso AR(1), obtenidos a partir de estimaciones no paramétricas previas.

Wenceslao Gonzalez Manteiga, Juan Manuel Vilar Fernández (1987)

Trabajos de Estadística

Sea {Xt}t ∈ Z+ una serie de tiempo estacionaria que sigue el modelo autorregresivo de orden 1: Xt = λ + ρXt-1 + et, siendo {et} variables aleatorias i.i.d. de media cero y varianza σ2; a partir de una muestra del proceso {X1, ..., Xn} se calcula en una primera etapa τ'n, estimador no paramétrico de la función de predicción τ(x) = E[Xt/Xt-1 = x] y Ω'n, estimador no paramétrico de la función de distribución asociada al proceso. Esto nos permite en una segunda etapa calcular estimaciones de los parámetros...

Unbiased group-wise alignment by iterative central tendency estimations

M. S. De Craene, B. Macq, F. Marques, P. Salembier, S. K. Warfield (2008)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

This paper introduces a new approach for the joint alignment of a large collection of segmented images into the same system of coordinates while estimating at the same time an optimal common coordinate system. The atlas resulting from our group-wise alignment algorithm is obtained as the hidden variable of an Expectation-Maximization (EM) estimation. This is achieved by identifying the most consistent label across the collection of images at each voxel in the common frame of coordinates.
In an...

Uniform strong consistency of a frontier estimator using kernel regression on high order moments

Stéphane Girard, Armelle Guillou, Gilles Stupfler (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider the high order moments estimator of the frontier of a random pair, introduced by [S. Girard, A. Guillou and G. Stupfler, J. Multivariate Anal. 116 (2013) 172–189]. In the present paper, we show that this estimator is strongly uniformly consistent on compact sets and its rate of convergence is given when the conditional cumulative distribution function belongs to the Hall class of distribution functions.

Using auxiliary information in statistical function estimation

Sergey Tarima, Dmitri Pavlov (2006)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In many practical situations sample sizes are not sufficiently large and estimators based on such samples may not be satisfactory in terms of their variances. At the same time it is not unusual that some auxiliary information about the parameters of interest is available. This paper considers a method of using auxiliary information for improving properties of the estimators based on a current sample only. In particular, it is assumed that the information is available as a number of estimates based...

Using auxiliary information in statistical function estimation

Sergey Tarima, Dmitri Pavlov (2005)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In many practical situations sample sizes are not sufficiently large and estimators based on such samples may not be satisfactory in terms of their variances. At the same time it is not unusual that some auxiliary information about the parameters of interest is available. This paper considers a method of using auxiliary information for improving properties of the estimators based on a current sample only. In particular, it is assumed that the information is available as a number of estimates based...

Variable selection through CART

Marie Sauve, Christine Tuleau-Malot (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

This paper deals with variable selection in regression and binary classification frameworks. It proposes an automatic and exhaustive procedure which relies on the use of the CART algorithm and on model selection via penalization. This work, of theoretical nature, aims at determining adequate penalties, i.e. penalties which allow achievement of oracle type inequalities justifying the performance of the proposed procedure. Since the exhaustive procedure cannot be realized when the number of variables...

Why L 1 view and what is next?

László Györfi, Adam Krzyżak (2011)


N. N. Cencov wrote a commentary chapter included in the Appendix of the Russian translation of the Devroye and Györfi book [15] collecting some arguments supporting the L 1 view of density estimation. The Cencov’s work is available in Russian only and it hasn’t been translated, so late Igor Vajda decided to translate the Cencov’s paper and to add some remarks on the occasion of organizing the session “25 Years of the L 1 Density Estimation” at the Prague Stochastics 2010 Symposium. In this paper we...

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