Displaying 201 – 220 of 281

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Dislocation dynamics - analytical description of the interaction force between dipolar loops

Vojtěch Minárik, Jan Kratochvíl (2007)


The interaction between dislocation dipolar loops plays an important role in the computation of the dislocation dynamics. The analytical form of the interaction force between two loops derived in the present paper from Kroupa’s formula of the stress field generated by a single dipolar loop allows for faster computation.

Distancias elipsoidales y puntos eficientes. Un método interactivo.

María Teresa Ramos Domínguez, Miguel Sánchez García, Carlos González Martín (1988)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

En este trabajo se estudian las propiedades que relacionan las distancias elipsoidales con la generación de puntos eficientes de un problema de programación multiobjetivo. Basándonos en estas propiedades, hemos construido un algoritmo interactivo convergente.

Distinguishing and integrating aleatoric and epistemic variation in uncertainty quantification

Kamaljit Chowdhary, Paul Dupuis (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Much of uncertainty quantification to date has focused on determining the effect of variables modeled probabilistically, and with a known distribution, on some physical or engineering system. We develop methods to obtain information on the system when the distributions of some variables are known exactly, others are known only approximately, and perhaps others are not modeled as random variables at all.The main tool used is the duality between risk-sensitive integrals and relative entropy, and we...

Div-curl lemma revisited: Applications in electromagnetism

Marián Slodička, Ján Jr. Buša (2010)


Two new time-dependent versions of div-curl results in a bounded domain Ω 3 are presented. We study a limit of the product v k w k , where the sequences v k and w k belong to Ł 2 ( Ω ) . In Theorem 2.1 we assume that × v k is bounded in the L p -norm and · w k is controlled in the L r -norm. In Theorem 2.2 we suppose that × w k is bounded in the L p -norm and · w k is controlled in the L r -norm. The time derivative of w k is bounded in both cases in the norm of - 1 ( Ω ) . The convergence (in the sense of distributions) of v k w k to the product v w of weak limits...

Divergence boundary conditions for vector Helmholtz equations with divergence constraints

Urve Kangro, Roy Nicolaides (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The idea of replacing a divergence constraint by a divergence boundary condition is investigated. The connections between the formulations are considered in detail. It is shown that the most common methods of using divergence boundary conditions do not always work properly. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the equivalence of the formulations are given.

Divergence of FEM: Babuška-Aziz triangulations revisited

Peter Oswald (2015)

Applications of Mathematics

By re-examining the arguments and counterexamples in I. Babuška, A. K. Aziz (1976) concerning the well-known maximum angle condition, we study the convergence behavior of the linear finite element method (FEM) on a family of distorted triangulations of the unit square originally introduced by H. Schwarz in 1880. For a Poisson problem with polynomial solution, we demonstrate arbitrarily slow convergence as well as failure of convergence if the distortion of the triangulations grows sufficiently fast....

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 281