Displaying 301 – 320 of 566

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Constructions of interpolation curves from given supporting elements. I

Josef Matušů, Josef Novák (1985)

Aplikace matematiky

This paper deals with the constructions of interpolation curves which pass through given supporting points (nodes) and touch supporting tangent vectors given at only some fo these points or, as the case may be, at all these points. The mathematical kernel of these constructions is based on Lienhard's interpolation method.

Constructions of interpolation curves from given supporting elements. II

Josef Matušů, Josef Novák (1986)

Aplikace matematiky

This paper deals with the constructions of interpolation curves which pass through given supporting points (nodes) and touch supporting tangent vectors given at only some of these points or, as the case may be, at all these points. The mathematical kernel of these constructions is based on the Lienhard's interpolation method. Formulae for the curvature of plane and space interpolation curves are derived.

Constructive quantization: approximation by empirical measures

Steffen Dereich, Michael Scheutzow, Reik Schottstedt (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

In this article, we study the approximation of a probability measure μ on d by its empirical measure μ ^ N interpreted as a random quantization. As error criterion we consider an averaged p th moment Wasserstein metric. In the case where 2 p l t ; d , we establish fine upper and lower bounds for the error, ahigh resolution formula. Moreover, we provide a universal estimate based on moments, a Pierce type estimate. In particular, we show that quantization by empirical measures is of optimal order under weak assumptions....

Contact between elastic bodies. II. Finite element analysis

Jaroslav Haslinger, Ivan Hlaváček (1981)

Aplikace matematiky

The paper deals with the approximation of contact problems of two elastic bodies by finite element method. Using piecewise linear finite elements, some error estimates are derived, assuming that the exact solution is sufficiently smooth. If the solution is not regular, the convergence itself is proven. This analysis is given for two types of contact problems: with a bounded contact zone and with enlarging contact zone.

Contact between elastic bodies. III. Dual finite element analysis

Jaroslav Haslinger, Ivan Hlaváček (1981)

Aplikace matematiky

The problem of a unilateral contact between elastic bodies with an apriori bounded contact zone is formulated in terms of stresses via the principle of complementary energy. Approximations are defined by means of self-equilibriated triangular block-elements and an L 2 -error estimate is proven provided the exact solution is regular enough.

Contact problem of two elastic bodies. II

Vladimír Janovský, Petr Procházka (1980)

Aplikace matematiky

The goal of the paper is the study of the contact problem of two elastic bodies which is applicable to the solution of displacements and stresses of the earth continuum and the tunnel wall. In this first part the variational formulation of the continuous and discrete model is stated. The second part covers the proof of convergence of finite element method to the solution of continuous problem while in the third part some practical applications are illustrated.

Contact shape optimization based on the reciprocal variational formulation

Jaroslav Haslinger (1999)

Applications of Mathematics

The paper deals with a class of optimal shape design problems for elastic bodies unilaterally supported by a rigid foundation. Cost and constraint functionals defining the problem depend on contact stresses, i.e. their control is of primal interest. To this end, the so-called reciprocal variational formulation of contact problems making it possible to approximate directly the contact stresses is used. The existence and approximation results are established. The sensitivity analysis is carried out....

Contaminant transport with adsorption in dual-well flow

Jozef Kačur, Roger Van Keer (2003)

Applications of Mathematics

Numerical approximation schemes are discussed for the solution of contaminant transport with adsorption in dual-well flow. The method is based on time stepping and operator splitting for the transport with adsorption and diffusion. The nonlinear transport is solved by Godunov’s method. The nonlinear diffusion is solved by a finite volume method and by Newton’s type of linearization. The efficiency of the method is discussed.



Applications of Mathematics 2013

Continuation of invariant subspaces via the Recursive Projection Method

Vladimír Janovský, O. Liberda (2003)

Applications of Mathematics

The Recursive Projection Method is a technique for continuation of both the steady states and the dominant invariant subspaces. In this paper a modified version of the RPM called projected RPM is proposed. The modification underlines the stabilization effect. In order to improve the poor update of the unstable invariant subspace we have applied subspace iterations preconditioned by Cayley transform. A statement concerning the local convergence of the resulting method is proved. Results of numerical...

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 566