Displaying 561 – 580 of 9167

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A new H(div)-conforming p-interpolation operator in two dimensions

Alexei Bespalov, Norbert Heuer (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In this paper we construct a new H(div)-conforming projection-based p-interpolation operator that assumes only Hr(K) 𝐇 ˜ -1/2(div, K)-regularity (r > 0) on the reference element (either triangle or square) K. We show that this operator is stable...

A new H(div)-conforming p-interpolation operator in two dimensions

Alexei Bespalov, Norbert Heuer (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper we construct a new H(div)-conforming projection-based p-interpolation operator that assumes only Hr(K) 𝐇 ˜ -1/2(div, K)-regularity (r > 0) on the reference element (either triangle or square) K. We show that this operator is stable with...

A new inclusion interval for the real eigenvalues of real matrices

Yinghua Wang, Xinnian Song, Lei Gao (2023)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

By properties of Cvetković-Kostić-Varga-type (or, for short, CKV-type) B-matrices, a new class of nonsingular matrices called CKV-type B ¯ -matrices is given, and a new inclusion interval of the real eigenvalues of real matrices is presented. It is shown that the new inclusion interval is sharper than those provided by J. M. Peña (2003), and by H. B. Li et al. (2007). We also propose a direct algorithm for computing the new inclusion interval. Numerical examples are included to illustrate the effectiveness...

A new Kantorovich-type theorem for Newton's method

Ioannis Argyros (1999)

Applicationes Mathematicae

A new Kantorovich-type convergence theorem for Newton's method is established for approximating a locally unique solution of an equation F(x)=0 defined on a Banach space. It is assumed that the operator F is twice Fréchet differentiable, and that F', F'' satisfy Lipschitz conditions. Our convergence condition differs from earlier ones and therefore it has theoretical and practical value.

A new maximality argument for a coupled fluid-structure interaction, with implications for a divergence-free finite element method

George Avalos, Matthew Dvorak (2008)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We consider a coupled PDE model of various fluid-structure interactions seen in nature. It has recently been shown by the authors [Contemp. Math. 440, 2007] that this model admits of an explicit semigroup generator representation 𝓐:D(𝓐)⊂ H → H, where H is the associated space of fluid-structure initial data. However, the argument for the maximality criterion was indirect, and did not provide for an explicit solution Φ ∈ D(𝓐) of the equation (λI-𝓐)Φ =F for given F ∈ H and λ > 0. The present...

A new mixed finite element method based on the Crank-Nicolson scheme for Burgers' equation

Xiaohui Hu, Pengzhan Huang, Xinlong Feng (2016)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper, a new mixed finite element method is used to approximate the solution as well as the flux of the 2D Burgers’ equation. Based on this new formulation, we give the corresponding stable conforming finite element approximation for the P 0 2 - P 1 pair by using the Crank-Nicolson time-discretization scheme. Optimal error estimates are obtained. Finally, numerical experiments show the efficiency of the new mixed method and justify the theoretical results.

A new non-interior continuation method for P 0 -NCP based on a SSPM-function

Liang Fang (2011)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper, we consider a new non-interior continuation method for the solution of nonlinear complementarity problem with P 0 -function ( P 0 -NCP). The proposed algorithm is based on a smoothing symmetric perturbed minimum function (SSPM-function), and one only needs to solve one system of linear equations and to perform only one Armijo-type line search at each iteration. The method is proved to possess global and local convergence under weaker conditions. Preliminary numerical results indicate that...

Currently displaying 561 – 580 of 9167