Displaying 81 – 100 of 279

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Penalties, Lagrange multipliers and Nitsche mortaring

Christian Grossmann (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

Penalty methods, augmented Lagrangian methods and Nitsche mortaring are well known numerical methods among the specialists in the related areas optimization and finite elements, respectively, but common aspects are rarely available. The aim of the present paper is to describe these methods from a unifying optimization perspective and to highlight some common features of them.

Penalty method and extrapolation for axisymmetric elliptic problems with Dirichlet boundary conditions

Ivan Hlaváček (1990)

Aplikace matematiky

A second order elliptic problem with axisymmetric data is solved in a finite element space, constructed on a triangulation with curved triangles, in such a way, that the (nonhomogeneous) boundary condition is fulfilled in the sense of a penalty. On the basis of two approximate solutions, extrapolates for both the solution and the boundary flux are defined. Some a priori error estimates are derived, provided the exact solution is regular enough. The paper extends some of the results of J.T. King...

Penalty/barrier path-following in linearly constrained optimization

Christian Grossmann (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

In the present paper rather general penalty/barrier path-following methods (e.g. with p-th power penalties, logarithmic barriers, SUMT, exponential penalties) applied to linearly constrained convex optimization problems are studied. In particular, unlike in previous studies [1,11], here simultaneously different types of penalty/barrier embeddings are included. Together with the assumed 2nd order sufficient optimality conditions this required a significant change in proving the local existence of...

Pentadiagonal Companion Matrices

Brydon Eastman, Kevin N. Vander Meulen (2016)

Special Matrices

The class of sparse companion matrices was recently characterized in terms of unit Hessenberg matrices. We determine which sparse companion matrices have the lowest bandwidth, that is, we characterize which sparse companion matrices are permutationally similar to a pentadiagonal matrix and describe how to find the permutation involved. In the process, we determine which of the Fiedler companion matrices are permutationally similar to a pentadiagonal matrix. We also describe how to find a Fiedler...

Periodic conservative solutions of the Camassa–Holm equation

Helge Holden, Xavier Raynaud (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We show that the periodic Camassa–Holm equation u t - u x x t + 3 u u x - 2 u x u x x - u u x x x = 0 possesses a global continuous semigroup of weak conservative solutions for initial data u | t = 0 in H per 1 . The result is obtained by introducing a coordinate transformation into Lagrangian coordinates. To characterize conservative solutions it is necessary to include the energy density given by the positive Radon measure μ with μ ac = ( u 2 + u x 2 ) d x . The total energy is preserved by the solution.

Permutation tests for multiple changes

Marie Hušková, Aleš Slabý (2001)


Approximations to the critical values for tests for multiple changes in location models are obtained through permutation tests principle. Theoretical results say that the approximations based on the limit distribution and the permutation distribution of the test statistics behave in the same way in the limit. However, the results of simulation study show that the permutation tests behave considerably better than the corresponding tests based on the asymptotic critical value.

Perona-Malik equation: properties of explicit finite volume scheme

Angela Handlovičová (2007)


The Perona–Malik nonlinear parabolic problem, which is widely used in image processing, is investigated in this paper from the numerical point of view. An explicit finite volume numerical scheme for this problem is presented and consistency property is proved.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 279