Displaying 1341 – 1360 of 9167

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An adaptive s -step conjugate gradient algorithm with dynamic basis updating

Erin Claire Carson (2020)

Applications of Mathematics

The adaptive s -step CG algorithm is a solver for sparse symmetric positive definite linear systems designed to reduce the synchronization cost per iteration while still achieving a user-specified accuracy requirement. In this work, we improve the adaptive s -step conjugate gradient algorithm by the use of iteratively updated estimates of the largest and smallest Ritz values, which give approximations of the largest and smallest eigenvalues of A , using a technique due to G. Meurant and P. Tichý (2018)....

An algebraic addition-theorem for Weierstrass' elliptic function and nomograms

Akira Matsuda (1979)

Aplikace matematiky

A dual transformation is discussed, by which a concurrent chart represented by one equation is transformed into an alignment chart or into a tangential contact chart. Using this transformation an alignment chart where three scales coincide and a tangential contact chart consisting of a family of circles, which represent the relation u + v + w = 0 , are constructed. In this case, a form of the addition-theorem for Weierstrass’ function involving no derivative is used.

An algebraic construction of discrete wavelet transforms

Jaroslav Kautský (1993)

Applications of Mathematics

Discrete wavelets are viewed as linear algebraic transforms given by banded orthogonal matrices which can be built up from small matrix blocks satisfying certain conditions. A generalization of the finite support Daubechies wavelets is discussed and some special cases promising more rapid signal reduction are derived.

An algebraic theory of order

Philippe Chartier, Ander Murua (2009)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper, we present an abstract framework which describes algebraically the derivation of order conditions independently of the nature of differential equations considered or the type of integrators used to solve them. Our structure includes a Hopf algebra of functions, whose properties are used to answer several questions of prime interest in numerical analysis. In particular, we show that, under some mild assumptions, there exist integrators of arbitrarily high orders for arbitrary (modified)...

An algorithm based on rolling to generate smooth interpolating curves on ellipsoids

Krzysztof Krakowski, Fátima Silva Leite (2014)


We present an algorithm to generate a smooth curve interpolating a set of data on an n -dimensional ellipsoid, which is given in closed form. This is inspired by an algorithm based on a rolling and wrapping technique, described in [11] for data on a general manifold embedded in Euclidean space. Since the ellipsoid can be embedded in an Euclidean space, this algorithm can be implemented, at least theoretically. However, one of the basic steps of that algorithm consists in rolling the ellipsoid, over...

An algorithm for biparabolic spline

Jiří Kobza (1987)

Aplikace matematiky

The paper deals with the computation of suitably chosen parameters of a biparabolic spline (ot the tensor product type) on a rectangular domain. Some possibilities of choosing such local parameters (concentrated, dispersed parameters) are discussed. The algorithms for computation of dispersed parameters (using the first derivative representation) and concentraced parameters (using the second derivative representation) are given. Both these algorithms repeatedly use the one-dimensional algorithms....

Currently displaying 1341 – 1360 of 9167