Displaying 141 – 160 of 1948

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A convergent nonlinear splitting via orthogonal projection

Jan Mandel (1984)

Aplikace matematiky

We study the convergence of the iterations in a Hilbert space V , x k + 1 = W ( P ) x k , W ( P ) z = w = T ( P w + ( I - P ) z ) , where T maps V into itself and P is a linear projection operator. The iterations converge to the unique fixed point of T , if the operator W ( P ) is continuous and the Lipschitz constant ( I - P ) W ( P ) < 1 . If an operator W ( P 1 ) satisfies these assumptions and P 2 is an orthogonal projection such that P 1 P 2 = P 2 P 1 = P 1 , then the operator W ( P 2 ) is defined and continuous in V and satisfies ( I - P 2 ) W ( P 2 ) ( I - P 1 ) W ( P 1 ) .

A copula test space model how to avoid the wrong copula choice

Frederik Michiels, Ann De Schepper (2008)


We introduce and discuss the test space problem as a part of the whole copula fitting process. In particular, we explain how an efficient copula test space can be constructed by taking into account information about the existing dependence, and we present a complete overview of bivariate test spaces for all possible situations. The practical use will be illustrated by means of a numerical application based on an illustrative portfolio containing the S&P 500 Composite Index, the JP Morgan Government...

A diffuse interface fractional time-stepping technique for incompressible two-phase flows with moving contact lines

Abner J. Salgado (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

For a two phase incompressible flow we consider a diffuse interface model aimed at addressing the movement of three-phase (fluid-fluid-solid) contact lines. The model consists of the Cahn Hilliard Navier Stokes system with a variant of the Navier slip boundary conditions. We show that this model possesses a natural energy law. For this system, a new numerical technique based on operator splitting and fractional time-stepping is proposed. The method is shown to be unconditionally stable. We present...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 1948