Displaying 321 – 340 of 1407

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Analysis of a non-standard mixed finite element method with applications to superconvergence

Jan Brandts (2009)

Applications of Mathematics

We show that a non-standard mixed finite element method proposed by Barrios and Gatica in 2007, is a higher order perturbation of the least-squares mixed finite element method. Therefore, it is also superconvergent whenever the least-squares mixed finite element method is superconvergent. Superconvergence of the latter was earlier investigated by Brandts, Chen and Yang between 2004 and 2006. Since the new method leads to a non-symmetric system matrix, its application seems however more expensive...

Analysis of approximate solutions of coupled dynamical thermoelasticity and related problems

Jozef Kačur, Alexander Ženíšek (1986)

Aplikace matematiky

The authors study problems of existence and uniqueness of solutions of various variational formulations of the coupled problem of dynamical thermoelasticity and of the convergence of approximate solutions of these problems. First, the semidiscrete approximate solutions is defined, which is obtained by time discretization of the original variational problem by Euler’s backward formula. Under certain smoothness assumptions on the date authors prove existence and uniqueness of the solution and establish...

Analysis of Compatible Discrete Operator schemes for elliptic problems on polyhedral meshes

Jérôme Bonelle, Alexandre Ern (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Compatible schemes localize degrees of freedom according to the physical nature of the underlying fields and operate a clear distinction between topological laws and closure relations. For elliptic problems, the cornerstone in the scheme design is the discrete Hodge operator linking gradients to fluxes by means of a dual mesh, while a structure-preserving discretization is employed for the gradient and divergence operators. The discrete Hodge operator is sparse, symmetric positive definite and is...

Analysis of patch substructuring methods

Martin Gander, Laurence Halpern, Frédéric Magoulès, Francois Roux (2007)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Patch substructuring methods are non-overlapping domain decomposition methods like classical substructuring methods, but they use information from geometric patches reaching into neighboring subdomains condensated, on the interfaces to enhance the performance of the method, while keeping it non-overlapping. These methods are very convenient to use in practice, but their convergence properties have not been studied yet. We analyze geometric patch substructuring methods for the special case of one...

Analysis of the FEM and DGM for an elliptic problem with a nonlinear Newton boundary condition

Feistauer, Miloslav, Bartoš, Ondřej, Roskovec, Filip, Sändig, Anna-Margarete (2017)

Proceedings of Equadiff 14

The paper is concerned with the numerical analysis of an elliptic equation in a polygon with a nonlinear Newton boundary condition, discretized by the finite element or discontinuous Galerkin methods. Using the monotone operator theory, it is possible to prove the existence and uniqueness of the exact weak solution and the approximate solution. The main attention is paid to the study of error estimates. To this end, the regularity of the weak solution is investigated and it is shown that due to...

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 1407