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Dynamics of shock waves in elastic-plastic solids

N. Favrie, S. Gavrilyuk (2011)

ESAIM: Proceedings

The Maxwell type elastic-plastic solids are characterized by decaying the absolute values of the principal components of the deviatoric part of the stress tensor during the plastic relaxation step. We propose a mathematical formulation of such a model which is compatible with the von Mises criterion of plasticity. Numerical examples show the ability of the model to deal with complex physical phenomena.

Dynamics of systems with Preisach memory near equilibria

Stephen McCarthy, Dmitrii Rachinskii (2014)

Mathematica Bohemica

We consider autonomous systems where two scalar differential equations are coupled with the input-output relationship of the Preisach hysteresis operator, which has an infinite-dimensional memory. A prototype system of this type is an LCR electric circuit where the inductive element has a ferromagnetic core with a hysteretic relationship between the magnetic field and the magnetization. Further examples of such systems include lumped hydrological models with two soil layers; they can also appear...

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