Displaying 161 – 180 of 614

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Error of the two-step BDF for the incompressible Navier-Stokes problem

Etienne Emmrich (2004)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

The incompressible Navier-Stokes problem is discretized in time by the two-step backward differentiation formula. Error estimates are proved under feasible assumptions on the regularity of the exact solution avoiding hardly fulfillable compatibility conditions. Whereas the time-weighted velocity error is of optimal second order, the time-weighted error in the pressure is of first order. Suboptimal estimates are shown for a linearisation. The results cover both the two- and three-dimensional case....

Error of the two-step BDF for the incompressible Navier-Stokes problem

Etienne Emmrich (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The incompressible Navier-Stokes problem is discretized in time by the two-step backward differentiation formula. Error estimates are proved under feasible assumptions on the regularity of the exact solution avoiding hardly fulfillable compatibility conditions. Whereas the time-weighted velocity error is of optimal second order, the time-weighted error in the pressure is of first order. Suboptimal estimates are shown for a linearisation. The results cover both the two- and three-dimensional...

Estimates based on scale separation for geophysical flows.

François Jauberteau, Roger Temam (2002)


The objective of this work is to obtain theoretical estimates on the large and small scales for geophysical flows. Firstly, we consider the shallow water problem in the one-dimensional case, then in the two-dimensional case. Finally we consider geophysical flows under the hydrostatic hypothesis and the Boussinesq approximation. Scale separation is based on Fourier series, with N models in each spatial direction, and the choice of a cut-off level N1 < N to define large and small scales. We...

Estimates of lower order derivatives of viscous fluid flow past a rotating obstacle

Reinhard Farwig (2005)

Banach Center Publications

Consider the problem of time-periodic strong solutions of the Stokes system modelling viscous incompressible fluid flow past a rotating obstacle in the whole space ℝ³. Introducing a rotating coordinate system attached to the body yields a system of partial differential equations of second order involving an angular derivative not subordinate to the Laplacian. In a recent paper [2] the author proved L q -estimates of second order derivatives uniformly in the angular and translational velocities, ω and...

Eulerian formulation and level set models for incompressible fluid-structure interaction

Georges-Henri Cottet, Emmanuel Maitre, Thomas Milcent (2008)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This paper is devoted to Eulerian models for incompressible fluid-structure systems. These models are primarily derived for computational purposes as they allow to simulate in a rather straightforward way complex 3D systems. We first analyze the level set model of immersed membranes proposed in [Cottet and Maitre, Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.16 (2006) 415–438]. We in particular show that this model can be interpreted as a generalization of so-called Korteweg fluids. We then extend this model...

Evaporation of Sessile Water Droplets in Presence of Contact Angle Hysteresis

S. Semenov, V.M. Starov, R.G. Rubio, H. Agogo, M.G. Velarde (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this paper we present a theory describing the diffusion limited evaporation of sessile water droplets in presence of contact angle hysteresis. Theory describes two stages of evaporation process: (I) evaporation with a constant radius of the droplet base; and (II) evaporation with constant contact angle. During stage (I) the contact angle decreases from static advancing contact angle to static receding contact angle, during stage (II) the contact...

Existence for an Unsteady Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem

Céline Grandmont, Yvon Maday (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We study the well-posedness of an unsteady fluid-structure interaction problem. We consider a viscous incompressible flow, which is modelled by the Navier-Stokes equations. The structure is a collection of rigid moving bodies. The fluid domain depends on time and is defined by the position of the structure, itself resulting from a stress distribution coming from the fluid. The problem is then nonlinear and the equations we deal with are coupled. We prove its local solvability in time through two...

Existence globale pour un fluide inhomogène

Hammadi Abidi, Marius Paicu (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Dans cet article on s’intéresse à l’existence et l’unicité globale de solutions pour le système de Navier-Stokes à densité variable, lorsque la donnée initiale de la vitesse est dans l’espace de Besov homogène de régularité critique B p , 1 - 1 + N p ( N ) . Notons que ce résultat fait suite aux résultats de H. Abidi qui a généralisé le travail de R. Danchin. Toutefois, dans les travaux antérieurs, l’existence de la solution est obtenue pour 1 < p < 2 N et l’unicité est démontrée sous l’hypothèse plus restrictive 1 < p N . Notre résultat...

Existence, uniqueness and regularity of stationary solutions to inhomogeneous Navier-Stokes equations in n

Reinhard Farwig, Hermann Sohr (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For a bounded domain Ω n , n 3 , we use the notion of very weak solutions to obtain a new and large uniqueness class for solutions of the inhomogeneous Navier-Stokes system - Δ u + u · u + p = f , div u = k , u | Ω = g with u L q , q n , and very general data classes for f , k , g such that u may have no differentiability property. For smooth data we get a large class of unique and regular solutions extending well known classical solution classes, and generalizing regularity results. Moreover, our results are closely related to those of a series of...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 614