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Local and global aspects of separating coordinates for the Klein-Gordon equation

Hinterleitner, Franz (1997)

Proceedings of the 16th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

The author considers the Klein-Gordon equation for ( 1 + 1 ) -dimensional flat spacetime. He is interested in those coordinate systems for which the equation is separable. These coordinate systems are explicitly known and generally do not cover the whole plane. The author constructs tensor fields which he can use to express the locus of points where the coordinates break down.

Local Changes in Lipid Composition to Match Membrane Curvature

Rolf J. Ryham (2016)

Molecular Based Mathematical Biology

A continuum mechanical model based on the Helfrich Hamiltonian is devised to investigate the coupling between lipid composition and membrane curvature. Each monolayer in the bilayer is modeled as a freely deformable surface with a director field for lipid orientation. A scalar field for the mole fraction of two lipid types accounts for local changes in composition. It allows lipids to access monolayer regions favorable to their intrinsic curvature at the expense of increasing entropic free energy....

Local energy decay for several evolution equations on asymptotically euclidean manifolds

Jean-François Bony, Dietrich Häfner (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Let  P be a long range metric perturbation of the Euclidean Laplacian on  d , d 2 . We prove local energy decay for the solutions of the wave, Klein-Gordon and Schrödinger equations associated to  P . The problem is decomposed in a low and high frequency analysis. For the high energy part, we assume a non trapping condition. For low (resp. high) frequencies we obtain a general result about the local energy decay for the group e i t f ( P ) where f has a suitable development at zero (resp. infinity).

Local Exchange Potentials for Electronic Structure Calculations

Eric Cancès, Gabriel Stoltz, Gustavo E. Scuseria, Viktor N. Staroverov, Ernest R. Davidson (2009)

MathematicS In Action

The Hartree-Fock exchange operator is an integral operator arising in the Hartree-Fock model as well as in some instances of the density functional theory. In a number of applications, it is convenient to approximate this integral operator by a multiplication operator, i.e. by a local potential. This article presents a detailed analysis of the mathematical properties of various local approximations to the nonlocal Hartree-Fock exchange operator including the Slater potential, the optimized effective...

Local Toeplitz operators based on wavelets: phase space patterns for rough wavelets

Krzysztof Nowak (1996)

Studia Mathematica

We consider two standard group representations: one acting on functions by translations and dilations, the other by translations and modulations, and we study local Toeplitz operators based on them. Local Toeplitz operators are the averages of projection-valued functions g P g , ϕ , where for a fixed function ϕ, P g , ϕ denotes the one-dimensional orthogonal projection on the function U g ϕ , U is a group representation and g is an element of the group. They are defined as integrals ʃ W P g , ϕ d g , where W is an open, relatively...

Local Transition Functions of Quantum Turing Machines

Masanao Ozawa, Harumichi Nishimura (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Foundations of the notion of quantum Turing machines are investigated. According to Deutsch's formulation, the time evolution of a quantum Turing machine is to be determined by the local transition function. In this paper, the local transition functions are characterized for fully general quantum Turing machines, including multi-tape quantum Turing machines, extending the results due to Bernstein and Vazirani.

Localisation pour des opérateurs de Schrödinger aléatoires dans L 2 ( d ) : un modèle semi-classique

Frédéric Klopp (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Dans L 2 ( d ) , nous démontrons un résultat de localisation exponentielle pour un opérateur de Schrödinger semi-classique à potentiel périodique perturbé par de petites perturbations aléatoires indépendantes identiquement distribuées placées au fond de chaque puits. Pour ce faire, on montre que notre opérateur, restreint à un intervalle d’énergie convenable, est unitairement équivalent à une matrice aléatoire infinie dont on contrôle bien les coefficients. Puis, pour ce type de matrices, on prouve un résultat...

Long range scattering and modified wave operators for Hartree equations

Jean Ginibre, Giorgio Velo (1999)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

We study the theory of scattering for the Hartree equation with long range potentials. We prove the existence of modified wave operators with no size restriction on the data and we determine the asymptotic behaviour in time of solutions in the range of the wave operators.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 67