Displaying 61 – 80 of 241

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Sharp trace asymptotics for a class of 2 D -magnetic operators

Horia D. Cornean, Søren Fournais, Rupert L. Frank, Bernard Helffer (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper we prove a two-term asymptotic formula for the spectral counting function for a 2 D magnetic Schrödinger operator on a domain (with Dirichlet boundary conditions) in a semiclassical limit and with strong magnetic field. By scaling, this is equivalent to a thermodynamic limit of a 2 D Fermi gas submitted to a constant external magnetic field.The original motivation comes from a paper by H. Kunz in which he studied, among other things, the boundary correction for the grand-canonical pressure...

Shuffle bialgebras

María Ronco (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The goal of our work is to study the spaces of primitive elements of some combinatorial Hopf algebras, whose underlying vector spaces admit linear basis labelled by subsets of the set of maps between finite sets. In order to deal with these objects we introduce the notion of shuffle algebras, which are coloured algebras where composition is not always defined. We define bialgebras in this framework and compute the subpaces of primitive elements associated to them. These spaces of primitive elements...

Singleton independence

Luigi Accardi, Yukihiro Hashimoto, Nobuaki Obata (1998)

Banach Center Publications

Motivated by the central limit problem for algebraic probability spaces arising from the Haagerup states on the free group with countably infinite generators, we introduce a new notion of statistical independence in terms of inequalities rather than of usual algebraic identities. In the case of the Haagerup states the role of the Gaussian law is played by the Ullman distribution. The limit process is realized explicitly on the finite temperature Boltzmannian Fock space. Furthermore, a functional...

SLE and triangles.

Dubédat, Julien (2003)

Electronic Communications in Probability [electronic only]

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 241