Displaying 641 – 660 of 1376

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Long range rotators

Messager, A., Miracle-Sole, S., Picco, P., Ruiz, J. (1984)

Proceedings of the 11th Winter School on Abstract Analysis

Long-range self-avoiding walk converges to α-stable processes

Markus Heydenreich (2011)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider a long-range version of self-avoiding walk in dimension d > 2(α ∧ 2), where d denotes dimension and α the power-law decay exponent of the coupling function. Under appropriate scaling we prove convergence to brownian motion for α ≥ 2, and to α-stable Lévy motion for α < 2. This complements results by Slade [J. Phys. A21 (1988) L417–L420], who proves convergence to brownian motion for nearest-neighbor self-avoiding walk in high dimension.

Lower large deviations for the maximal flow through tilted cylinders in two-dimensional first passage percolation

Raphaël Rossignol, Marie Théret (2013)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Equip the edges of the lattice ℤ2 with i.i.d. random capacities. A law of large numbers is known for the maximal flow crossing a rectangle in ℝ2 when the side lengths of the rectangle go to infinity. We prove that the lower large deviations are of surface order, and we prove the corresponding large deviation principle from below. This extends and improves previous large deviations results of Grimmett and Kesten [9] obtained for boxes of particular orientation.

Low-variance direct Monte Carlo simulations using importance weights

Husain A. Al-Mohssen, Nicolas G. Hadjiconstantinou (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present an efficient approach for reducing the statistical uncertainty associated with direct Monte Carlo simulations of the Boltzmann equation. As with previous variance-reduction approaches, the resulting relative statistical uncertainty in hydrodynamic quantities (statistical uncertainty normalized by the characteristic value of quantity of interest) is small and independent of the magnitude of the deviation from equilibrium, making the simulation of arbitrarily small deviations from equilibrium possible....

Macroscopic models of collective motion and self-organization

Pierre Degond, Amic Frouvelle, Jian-Guo Liu, Sebastien Motsch, Laurent Navoret (2012/2013)

Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications

In this paper, we review recent developments on the derivation and properties of macroscopic models of collective motion and self-organization. The starting point is a model of self-propelled particles interacting with its neighbors through alignment. We successively derive a mean-field model and its hydrodynamic limit. The resulting macroscopic model is the Self-Organized Hydrodynamics (SOH). We review the available existence results and known properties of the SOH model and discuss it in view...

Magnetic vortices for a Ginzburg-Landau type energy with discontinuous constraint

Ayman Kachmar (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper is devoted to an analysis of vortex-nucleation for a Ginzburg-Landau functional with discontinuous constraint. This functional has been proposed as a model for vortex-pinning, and usually accounts for the energy resulting from the interface of two superconductors. The critical applied magnetic field for vortex nucleation is estimated in the London singular limit, and as a by-product, results concerning vortex-pinning and boundary conditions on the interface are obtained.

Magnetization switching on small ferromagnetic ellipsoidal samples

François Alouges, Karine Beauchard (2009)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The study of small magnetic particles has become a very important topic, in particular for the development of technological devices such as those used for magnetic recording. In this field, switching the magnetization inside the magnetic sample is of particular relevance. We here investigate mathematically this problem by considering the full partial differential model of Landau-Lifschitz equations triggered by a uniform (in space) external magnetic field.

Magnetization switching on small ferromagnetic ellipsoidal samples

François Alouges, Karine Beauchard (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The study of small magnetic particles has become a very important topic, in particular for the development of technological devices such as those used for magnetic recording. In this field, switching the magnetization inside the magnetic sample is of particular relevance. We here investigate mathematically this problem by considering the full partial differential model of Landau-Lifschitz equations triggered by a uniform (in space) external magnetic field.

Many-body aspects of approach to equilibrium

Eric Carlen, M. C. Carvalho, Michael Loss (2000)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

Kinetic theory and approach to equilibrium is usually studied in the realm of the Boltzmann equation. With a few notable exceptions not much is known about the solutions of this equation and about its derivation from fundamental principles. In 1956 Mark Kac introduced a probabilistic model of N interacting particles. The velocity distribution is governed by a Markov semi group and the evolution of its single particle marginals is governed (in the infinite particle limit) by a caricature of the spatially...

Currently displaying 641 – 660 of 1376