Displaying 21 – 40 of 59

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A PVT-Type Algorithm for Minimizing a Nonsmooth Convex Function

Pang, Li-Ping, Xia, Zun-Quan (2003)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 90C25, 68W10, 49M37.A general framework of the (parallel variable transformation) PVT-type algorithm, called the PVT-MYR algorithm, for minimizing a non-smooth convex function is proposed, via the Moreau-Yosida regularization. As a particular scheme of this framework an ε-scheme is also presented. The global convergence of this algorithm is given under the assumptions of strong convexity of the objective function and an ε-descent condition determined by an...

A Recession Notion for a Class of Monotone Bivariate Functions

Moudafi, A. (2000)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

Using monotone bifunctions, we introduce a recession concept for general equilibrium problems relying on a variational convergence notion. The interesting purpose is to extend some results of P. L. Lions on variational problems. In the process we generalize some results by H. Brezis and H. Attouch relative to the convergence of the resolvents associated with maximal monotone operators.

A second-order stochastic dominance portfolio efficiency measure

Miloš Kopa, Petr Chovanec (2008)


In this paper, we introduce a new linear programming second-order stochastic dominance (SSD) portfolio efficiency test for portfolios with scenario approach for distribution of outcomes and a new SSD portfolio inefficiency measure. The test utilizes the relationship between CVaR and dual second-order stochastic dominance, and contrary to tests in Post [Post] and Kuosmanen [Kuosmanen], our test detects a dominating portfolio which is SSD efficient. We derive also a necessary condition for SSD efficiency...

A sequential iteration algorithm with non-monotoneous behaviour in the method of projections onto convex sets

Gilbert Crombez (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The method of projections onto convex sets to find a point in the intersection of a finite number of closed convex sets in a Euclidean space, may lead to slow convergence of the constructed sequence when that sequence enters some narrow “corridor” between two or more convex sets. A way to leave such corridor consists in taking a big step at different moments during the iteration, because in that way the monotoneous behaviour that is responsible for the slow convergence may be interrupted. In this...

A smoothing Newton method for the second-order cone complementarity problem

Jingyong Tang, Guoping He, Li Dong, Liang Fang, Jinchuan Zhou (2013)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper we introduce a new smoothing function and show that it is coercive under suitable assumptions. Based on this new function, we propose a smoothing Newton method for solving the second-order cone complementarity problem (SOCCP). The proposed algorithm solves only one linear system of equations and performs only one line search at each iteration. It is shown that any accumulation point of the iteration sequence generated by the proposed algorithm is a solution to the SOCCP. Furthermore,...

An analytic center cutting plane algorithm for finding equilibrium points

Fernanda M.P. Raupp, Wilfredo Sosa (2006)

RAIRO - Operations Research

We present a variant of the analytic center cutting plane algorithm proposed by Goffin et al. (1996) to approximately solve equilibrium problems as proposed by Blum and Oettli (1994), which include as particular problems the variational inequalities problem, the Nash equilibria problem in non-cooperative games, the convex minimization problem, and the fixed point problem. Furthermore, we analyze the convergence and complexity of the modified algorithm.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 59