Displaying 261 – 280 of 1850

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Analysis of a Mathematical Model for the Molecular Mechanism of Fate Decision in Mammary Stem Cells

O. U. Kirnasovsky, Y. Kogan, Z. Agur (2008)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Recently, adult stem cells have become a focus of intensive biomedical research, but the complex regulation that allows a small population of stem cells to replenish depleted tissues is still unknown. It has been suggested that specific tissue structures delimit the spaces where stem cells undergo unlimited proliferation (stem cell niche). In contrast, mathematical analysis suggests that a feedback control of stem cells on their own proliferation and differentiation (denoted Quorum Sensing) suffices...

Analysis of a Model with Multiple Infectious Stages and Arbitrarily Distributed Stage Durations

Y. Yang, D. Xu, Z. Feng (2008)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Infectious diseases may have multiple infectious stages with very different epidemiological attributes, including infectivity and disease progression. These stages are often assumed to have exponentially distributed durations in epidemiological models. However, models that use the exponential distribution assumption (EDA) may generate biased and even misleading results in some cases. This discrepancy is particularly damaging if the models are employed to assist policy-makers in disease control...

Analysis of a Nonautonomous HIV/AIDS Model

G. P. Samanta (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this paper we have considered a nonlinear and nonautonomous stage-structured HIV/AIDS epidemic model with an imperfect HIV vaccine, varying total population size and distributed time delay to become infectious due to intracellular delay between initial infection of a cell by HIV and the release of new virions. Here, we have established some sufficient conditions on the permanence and extinction of the disease by using inequality analytical technique....

Analysis of a Population Model Structured by the Cells Molecular Content

M. Doumic (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We study the mathematical properties of a general model of cell division structured with several internal variables. We begin with a simpler and specific model with two variables, we solve the eigenvalue problem with strong or weak assumptions, and deduce from it the long-time convergence. The main difficulty comes from natural degeneracy of birth terms that we overcome with a regularization technique. We then extend the results to the case with several parameters and recall the link between this...

Analysis of fast boundary-integral approximations for modeling electrostatic contributions of molecular binding

Amelia B. Kreienkamp, Lucy Y. Liu, Mona S. Minkara, Matthew G. Knepley, Jaydeep P. Bardhan, Mala L. Radhakrishnan (2013)

Molecular Based Mathematical Biology

We analyze and suggest improvements to a recently developed approximate continuum-electrostatic model for proteins. The model, called BIBEE/I (boundary-integral based electrostatics estimation with interpolation), was able to estimate electrostatic solvation free energies to within a mean unsigned error of 4% on a test set of more than 600 proteins¶a significant improvement over previous BIBEE models. In this work, we tested the BIBEE/I model for its capability to predict residue-by-residue interactions...

Analysis of immunotherapy models in the context of cancer dynamics

Zuzanna Szymańska (2003)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A basic mathematical model of the immune response when cancer cells are recognized is proposed. The model consists of six ordinary differential equations. It is extended by taking into account two types of immunotherapy: active immunotherapy and adoptive immunotherapy. An analysis of the corresponding models is made to answer the question which of the presented methods of immunotherapy is better. The analysis is completed by numerical simulations which show that the method of adoptive immunotherapy...

Analysis of pattern formation using numerical continuation

Vladimír Janovský (2022)

Applications of Mathematics

The paper deals with the issue of self-organization in applied sciences. It is particularly related to the emergence of Turing patterns. The goal is to analyze the domain size driven instability: We introduce the parameter L , which scales the size of the domain. We investigate a particular reaction-diffusion model in 1-D for two species. We consider and analyze the steady-state solution. We want to compute the solution branches by numerical continuation. The model in question has certain symmetries....

Analysis of Space-Temporal Symmetry in the Early Embryogenesis of Calla palustris L., Araceae

I.V. Rudskiy, G.E. Titova, T.B. Batygina (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Plants and animals have highly ordered structure both in time and in space, and one of the main questions of modern developmental biology is the transformation of genetic information into the regular structure of organism. Any multicellular plant begins its development from the universal unicellular state and acquire own species-specific structure in the course of cell divisions, cell growth and death, according to own developmental program. However the cellular mechanisms of plant development are...

Analysis of Synchronization in a Neural Population by a Population Density Approach

A. Garenne, J. Henry, C. O. Tarniceriu (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this paper we deal with a model describing the evolution in time of the density of a neural population in a state space, where the state is given by Izhikevich’s two - dimensional single neuron model. The main goal is to mathematically describe the occurrence of a significant phenomenon observed in neurons populations, the synchronization. To this end, we are making the transition to phase density population, and use Malkin theorem to calculate...

Analysis of the Growth Control Network Specific for Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells

G. Pinna, A. Zinovyev, N. Araujo, N. Morozova, A. Harel-Bellan (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Many cancer-associated genes and pathways remain to be identified in order to clarify the molecular mechanisms underlying cancer progression. In this area, genome-wide loss-of-function screens appear to be powerful biological tools, allowing the accumulation of large amounts of data. However, this approach currently lacks analytical tools to exploit the data with maximum efficiency, for which systems biology methods analyzing complex cellular networks...

Analysis of The Impact of Diabetes on The Dynamical Transmission of Tuberculosis

D.P. Moualeu, S. Bowong, J.J. Tewa, Y. Emvudu (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major global health problem. A possible risk factor for TB is diabetes (DM), which is predicted to increase dramatically over the next two decades, particularly in low and middle income countries, where TB is widespread. This study aimed to assess the strength of the association between TB and DM. We present a deterministic model for TB in a community in order to determine the impact of DM in the spread of the disease....

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 1850