Displaying 281 – 300 of 1850

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Analysis of the predator-prey model with climax prey population

Jitka Kühnová (2009)

Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis

The aim of the contribution is to study ODE predator-prey system with a prey population embodying the Allee effect. Particular stationary points are analyzed and the results are illustrated by graphs of numerical solutions for various values of model parameters.

Analyzing sets of phylogenetic trees using metrics

Damian Bogdanowicz (2011)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The reconstruction of evolutionary trees is one of the primary objectives in phylogenetics. Such a tree represents historical evolutionary relationships between different species or organisms. Tree comparisons are used for multiple purposes, from unveiling the history of species to deciphering evolutionary associations among organisms and geographical areas. In this paper, we describe a general method for comparing phylogenetic trees and give some basic properties of the Matching Split metric, which...

Analyzing the dynamics of deterministic systems from a hypergraph theoretical point of view

Luis M. Torres, Annegret K. Wagler (2013)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

To model the dynamics of discrete deterministic systems, we extend the Petri nets framework by a priority relation between conflicting transitions, which is encoded by orienting the edges of a transition conflict graph. The aim of this paper is to gain some insight into the structure of this conflict graph and to characterize a class of suitable orientations by an analysis in the context of hypergraph theory.

Ancestral processes with selection: Branching and Moran models

Ellen Baake, Robert Bialowons (2008)

Banach Center Publications

We consider two versions of stochastic population models with mutation and selection. The first approach relies on a multitype branching process; here, individuals reproduce and change type (i.e., mutate) independently of each other, without restriction on population size. We analyse the equilibrium behaviour of this model, both in the forward and in the backward direction of time; the backward point of view emerges if the ancestry of individuals chosen randomly from the present population is traced...

Angiogenesis process with vessel impairment for Gompertzian and logistic type of tumour growth

Jan Poleszczuk, Urszula Foryś (2009)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We propose two models of vessel impairment in the process of tumour angiogenesis and we consider three types of treatment: standard chemotherapy, antiangiogenic treatment and a combined treatment. The models are based on the idea of Hahnfeldt et al. that the carrying capacity for any solid tumour depends on its vessel density. In the models proposed the carrying capacity also depends on the process of vessel impairment. In the first model a logistic type equation is used to describe the neoplastic...

Application of coupled neural oscillators for image texture segmentation and modeling of biological rhythms

Paweł Strumiłło, Michał Strzelecki (2006)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The role of relaxation oscillator models in application fields such as modeling dynamic systems and image analysis is discussed. A short review of the Van der Pol, Wilson-Cowan and Terman-Wang relaxation oscillators is given. The key property of such nonlinear oscillators, i.e., the oscillator phase shift (called the Phase Response Curve) as a result of external pulse stimuli is indicated as a fundamental mechanism to achieve and sustain synchrony in networks of coupled oscillators. It is noted...

Application of Hybrid Models to Blood Cell Production in the Bone Marrow

N. Bessonov, F. Crauste, S. Fischer, P. Kurbatova, V. Volpert (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

A hybrid model of red blood cell production, where cells are considered as discrete objects while intra-cellular proteins and extra-cellular biochemical substances are described with continuous models, is proposed. Spatial organization and regulation of red blood cell production (erythropoiesis) are investigated. Normal erythropoiesis is simulated in two dimensions, and the influence on the output of the model of some parameters involved in cell...

Application of the adaptive center-weighted vector median framework for the enhancement of cDNA microarray images

Rastislav Lukac, Bogdan Smołka (2003)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper a novel method of noise reduction in color images is presented. The new technique is capable of attenuating both impulsive and Gaussian noise, while preserving and even enhancing the sharpness of the image edges. Extensive simulations reveal that the new method outperforms significantly the standard techniques widely used in multivariate signal processing. In this work we apply the new noise reduction method for the enhancement of the images of the so called gene chips. We demonstrate...

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 1850