Displaying 981 – 1000 of 1850

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Mixture of experts architectures for neural networks as a special case of conditional expectation formula

Jiří Grim (1998)


Recently a new interesting architecture of neural networks called “mixture of experts” has been proposed as a tool of real multivariate approximation or prediction. We show that the underlying problem is closely related to approximating the joint probability density of involved variables by finite mixture. Particularly, assuming normal mixtures, we can explicitly write the conditional expectation formula which can be interpreted as a mixture-of- experts network. In this way the related optimization...

Model based analysis of signaling pathways

Jarosław Smieja (2008)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The paper is concerned with application of mathematical modeling to the analysis of signaling pathways. Two issues, deterministic modeling of gene transcription and model-driven discovery of regulatory elements, are dealt with. First, the biological background is given and the importance of the stochastic nature of biological processes is addressed. The assumptions underlying deterministic modeling are presented. Special emphasis is put on describing gene transcription. A framework for including...

Modeling Adaptive Behavior in Influenza Transmission

W. Wang (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Contact behavior plays an important role in influenza transmission. In the progression of influenza spread, human population reduces mobility to decrease infection risks. In this paper, a mathematical model is proposed to include adaptive mobility. It is shown that the mobility response does not affect the basic reproduction number that characterizes the invasion threshold, but reduces dramatically infection peaks, or removes the peaks. Numerical...

Modeling and Simulating Asymmetrical Conductance Changes in Gramicidin Pores

Shixin Xu, Minxin Chen, Sheereen Majd, Xingye Yue, Chun Liu (2014)

Molecular Based Mathematical Biology

Gramicidin A is a small and well characterized peptide that forms an ion channel in lipid membranes. An important feature of gramicidin A (gA) pore is that its conductance is affected by the electric charges near the its entrance. This property has led to the application of gramicidin A as a biochemical sensor for monitoring and quantifying a number of chemical and enzymatic reactions. Here, a mathematical model of conductance changes of gramicidin A pores in response to the presence of electrical...

Modeling and simulation of a blood pump for the development of a left ventricular assist system controller

Yih-Choung Yu, J. Robert Boston, Marwan A. Simaan, Phil J. Miller, James F. Antaki (1999)


A mathematical model describing the pressure-volume relationship of the Novacor left ventricular assist system (LVAS) was developed. The model consisted of lumped resistance, capacitance, and inductance elements with one time-varying capacitor to simulate the cyclical pressure generation of the system. The ejection and filling portions of the pump cycle were modeled with two separate functions. The corresponding model parameters were estimated by least squares fit to experimental data obtained in...

Modeling Morphogenesis in silico and in vitro: Towards Quantitative, Predictive, Cell-based Modeling

R. M. H. Merks, P. Koolwijk (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Cell-based, mathematical models help make sense of morphogenesis—i.e. cells organizing into shape and pattern—by capturing cell behavior in simple, purely descriptive models. Cell-based models then predict the tissue-level patterns the cells produce collectively. The first step in a cell-based modeling approach is to isolate sub-processes, e.g. the patterning capabilities of one or a few cell types in cell cultures. Cell-based models can then identify the mechanisms responsible for patterning in...

Modeling Non-Stationary Processes of Diffusion of Solute Substances in the Near-Bottom Layer ofWater Reservoirs: Variation of the Direction of Flows and Assessment of Admissible Biogenic Load

V. V. Kozlov (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The paper is devoted to mathematical modelling and numerical computations of a nonstationary free boundary problem. The model is based on processes of molecular diffusion of some products of chemical decomposition of a solid organic substance concentrated in bottom sediments. It takes into account non-stationary multi-component and multi-stage chemical decomposition of organic substances and the processes of sorption desorption under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Such a model allows one to...

Modeling of the oxygen transfer in the respiratory process

Sébastien Martin, Bertrand Maury (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In this article, we propose an integrated model for oxygen transfer into the blood, coupled with a lumped mechanical model for the ventilation process. Objectives. We aim at investigating oxygen transfer into the blood at rest or exercise. The first task consists in describing nonlinear effects of the oxygen transfer under normal conditions. We also include the possible diffusion limitation in oxygen transfer observed in extreme regimes involving parameters such as alveolar and venous blood oxygen...

Modeling Pulsatility in the Human Cardiovascular System

de los Reyes V, Aurelio, Kappel, Franz (2010)

Mathematica Balkanica New Series

AMS Subj. Classification: 92C30In this study we investigated, modified and combined two existing mathematical cardiovascular models, a non-pulsatile global model and a simplified pulsatile left heart model. The first goal of the study was to integrate these models. The main objective is to have a global lumped parameter pulsatile model that predicts the pressures in the systemic and pulmonary circulation, and specifically the pulsatile pressures in the the finger arteries where real-time measurements...

Currently displaying 981 – 1000 of 1850