Displaying 21 – 40 of 194

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Decomposition of a second-order linear time-varying differential system as the series connection of two first order commutative pairs

Mehmet Emir Koksal (2016)

Open Mathematics

Necessary and sufficiently conditions are derived for the decomposition of a second order linear time- varying system into two cascade connected commutative first order linear time-varying subsystems. The explicit formulas describing these subsystems are presented. It is shown that a very small class of systems satisfies the stated conditions. The results are well verified by simulations. It is also shown that its cascade synthesis is less sensitive to numerical errors than the direct simulation...

Decomposition of large-scale stochastic optimal control problems

Kengy Barty, Pierre Carpentier, Pierre Girardeau (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

In this paper, we present an Uzawa-based heuristic that is adapted to certain type of stochastic optimal control problems. More precisely, we consider dynamical systems that can be divided into small-scale subsystems linked through a static almost sure coupling constraint at each time step. This type of problem is common in production/portfolio management where subsystems are, for instance, power units, and one has to supply a stochastic power demand at each time step. We outline the framework...

Decomposition of the fuzzy inference system for implementation in the FPGA structure

Bernard Wyrwoł, Edward Hrynkiewicz (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The paper presents the design and implementation of a digital rule-relational fuzzy logic controller. Classical and decomposed logical structures of fuzzy systems are discussed. The second allows a decrease in the hardware cost of the fuzzy system and in the computing time of the final result (fuzzy or crisp), especially when referring to relational systems. The physical architecture consists of IP modules implemented in an FPGA structure. The modules can be inserted into or removed from the project...

Decomposition of the symptom observation matrix and grey forecasting in vibration condition monitoring of machines

Czesław Cempel (2008)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

With the tools of modern metrology we can measure almost all variables in the phenomenon field of a working machine, and many of the measured quantities can be symptoms of machine conditions. On this basis, we can form a symptom observation matrix (SOM) intended for condition monitoring and wear trend (fault) identification. On the other hand, we know that contemporary complex machines may have many modes of failure, called faults. The paper presents a method of the extraction of the information...

Decomposition of vibration signals into deterministic and nondeterministic components and its capabilities of fault detection and identification

Tomasz Barszcz (2009)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The paper investigates the possibility of decomposing vibration signals into deterministic and nondeterministic parts, based on the Wold theorem. A short description of the theory of adaptive filters is presented. When an adaptive filter uses the delayed version of the input signal as the reference signal, it is possible to divide the signal into a deterministic (gear and shaft related) part and a nondeterministic (noise and rolling bearings) part. The idea of the self-adaptive filter (in the literature...

Decoupling and pole assignment by constant output feedback

Konstadinos H. Kiritsis, Trifon G. Koussiouris (2002)


In this paper a system-theoretic approach is used to solve the decoupling in combination with the arbitrary pole assignment problem by constant output feedback and a constant nonsingular input transformation. Explicit necessary and sufficient conditions are given and a procedure is described for the determination of the control law.

Decoupling normalizing transformations and local stabilization of nonlinear systems

S. Nikitin (1996)

Mathematica Bohemica

The existence of the normalizing transformation completely decoupling the stable dynamic from the center manifold dynamic is proved. A numerical procedure for the calculation of the asymptotic series for the decoupling normalizing transformation is proposed. The developed method is especially important for the perturbation theory of center manifold and, in particular, for the local stabilization theory. In the paper some sufficient conditions for local stabilization are given.

Delay dependent complex-valued bidirectional associative memory neural networks with stochastic and impulsive effects: An exponential stability approach

Chinnamuniyandi Maharajan, Chandran Sowmiya, Changjin Xu (2024)


This paper investigates the stability in an exponential sense of complex-valued Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM) neural networks with time delays under the stochastic and impulsive effects. By utilizing the contracting mapping theorem, the existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium point for the proposed complex-valued neural networks are verified. Moreover, based on the Lyapunov - Krasovskii functional construction, matrix inequality techniques and stability theory, some novel time-delayed...

Delay differential systems with time-varying delay: new directions for stability theory

James Louisell (2001)


In this paper we give an example of Markus–Yamabe instability in a constant coefficient delay differential equation with time-varying delay. For all values of the range of the delay function, the characteristic function of the associated autonomous delay equation is exponentially stable. Still, the fundamental solution of the time-varying system is unbounded. We also present a modified example having absolutely continuous delay function, easily calculating the average variation of the delay function,...

Delay Dynamics of Cancer and Immune Cell Model

D. Adongo, K.R. Fister (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We investigate optimal control of a cancer-immune cell interactive model with delay in the interphase compartment. By applying the optimal control theory, we seek to minimize the cost associated with the chemotherapy drug, minimize the accumulation of cancer cells, and increase the immune cell presence. Optimality conditions and characterization of the control are provided. Numerical analyses are given to enhance the understanding of the difficulties...

Delay-dependent asymptotic stabilitzation for uncertain time-delay systems with saturating actuators

Pin-Lin Liu (2005)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper concerns the issue of robust asymptotic stabilization for uncertain time-delay systems with saturating actuators. Delay-dependent criteria for robust stabilization via linear memoryless state feedback have been obtained. The resulting upper bound on the delay time is given in terms of the solution to a Riccati equation subject to model transformation. Finally, examples are presented to show the effectiveness of our result.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 194