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Global linearization of nonlinear systems - A survey

Sergej Čelikovský — 1995

Banach Center Publications

A survey of the global linearization problem is presented. Known results are divided into two groups: results for general affine nonlinear systems and for bilinear systems. In the latter case stronger results are available. A comparision of various linearizing transformations is performed. Numerous illustrative examples are included.

Observer form of the hyperbolic type generalized Lorenz system and its use for chaos synchronization

Sergej Čelikovský — 2004


This paper shows that a large class of chaotic systems, introduced in [S. Čelikovský and G. Chen: Hyperbolic-type generalized Lorenz system and its canonical form. In: Proc. 15th Triennial World Congress of IFAC, Barcelona 2002, CD ROM], as the hyperbolic-type generalized Lorenz system, can be systematically used to generate synchronized chaotic oscillations. While the generalized Lorenz system unifies the famous Lorenz system and Chen’s system [G. Chen and T. Ueta: Yet another chaotic attractor....

On the anti–synchronization detection for the generalized Lorenz system and its applications to secure encryption

Volodymyr LynnykSergej Čelikovský — 2010


In this paper, a modified version of the Chaos Shift Keying (CSK) scheme for secure encryption and decryption of data will be discussed. The classical CSK method determines the correct value of binary signal through checking which initially unsynchronized system is getting synchronized. On the contrary, the new anti-synchronization CSK (ACSK) scheme determines the wrong value of binary signal through checking which already synchronized system is loosing synchronization. The ACSK scheme is implemented...

Generalized immersion and nonlinear robust output regulation problem

The problem of output regulation of the system affected by unknown constant parameters is considered here. Under certain assumptions, such a problem is known to be solvable using error feedback via the so-called immersion to an observable linear system with outputs. Nevertheless, for many interesting cases this kind of finite dimensional immersion is difficult or even impossible to find. In order to achieve constructive procedures for wider classes, this paper investigates a more general type of...

Bilinear system as a modelling framework for analysis of microalgal growth

A mathematical model of the microalgal growth under various light regimes is required for the optimization of design parameters and operating conditions in a photobioreactor. As its modelling framework, bilinear system with single input is chosen in this paper. The earlier theoretical results on bilinear systems are adapted and applied to the special class of the so-called intermittent controls which are characterized by rapid switching of light and dark cycles. Based on such approach, the following...

Structurally stable design of output regulation for a class of nonlinear systems

The problem of output regulation of the systems affected by unknown constant parameters is considered here. The main goal is to find a unique feedback compensator (independent on the actual values of unknown parameters) that drives a given error (control criterion) asymptotically to zero for all values of parameters from a certain neighbourhood of their nominal value. Such a task is usually referred to as the structurally stable output regulation problem. Under certain assumptions, such a problem...

Rotary inverted pendulum: trajectory tracking via nonlinear control techniques

The nonlinear control techniques are applied to the model of rotary inverted pendulum. The model has two degrees of freedom and is not exactly linearizable. The goal is to control output trajectory of the rotary inverted pendulum asymptotically along a desired reference. Moreover, the designed controller should be robust with respect to specified perturbations and parameters uncertainties. A combination of techniques based on nonlinear normal forms, output regulation and sliding mode approach is...

A comparison of two FEM-based methods for the solution of the nonlinear output regulation problem

The regulator equation is the fundamental equation whose solution must be found in order to solve the output regulation problem. It is a system of first-order partial differential equations (PDE) combined with an algebraic equation. The classical approach to its solution is to use the Taylor series with undetermined coefficients. In this contribution, another path is followed: the equation is solved using the finite-element method which is, nevertheless, suitable to solve PDE part only. This paper...

Adaptive high gain observer extension and its application to bioprocess monitoring

The adaptive version of the high gain observer for the strictly triangular systems subjected to constant unknown disturbances is proposed here. The adaptive feature is necessary due to the fact that the unknown disturbance enters in a way that cannot be suppressed by the high gain technique. The developed observers are then applied to a culture of microorganism in a bioreactor, namely, to the model of the continuous culture of Spirulina maxima. It is a common practice that just the biomass (or substrate)...

Fixed-time safe tracking control of uncertain high-order nonlinear pure-feedback systems via unified transformation functions

In this paper, a fixed-time safe control problem is investigated for an uncertain high-order nonlinear pure-feedback system with state constraints. A new nonlinear transformation function is firstly proposed to handle both the constrained and unconstrained cases in a unified way. Further, a radial basis function neural network is constructed to approximate the unknown dynamics in the system and a fixed-time dynamic surface control (FDSC) technique is developed to facilitate the fixed-time control...

Generalized synchronization in the networks with directed acyclic structure

Generalized synchronization in the direct acyclic networks, i.e. the networks represented by the directed tree, is presented here. Network nodes consist of copies of the so-called generalized Lorenz system with possibly different parameters yet mutually structurally equivalent. The difference in parameters actually requires the generalized synchronization rather than the identical one. As the class of generalized Lorenz systems includes the well-known particular classes such as (classical) Lorenz...

Output feedback problems for a class of nonlinear systems

The paper deals with the construction of the output feedback controllers for the systems that are transformable into a simpler form via coordinate change and static state feedback and, at the same time, via (possibly different) coordinate change and output injection. Illustrative examples are provided to stress the major obstacles in applying the above scheme, especially as far as its global aspects are concerned. The corresponding results are then applied to the problem of the real-time control...

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