Displaying similar documents to “Bimorphisms in pro-homotopy and proper homotopy”

Locally constant functions

Joan Hart, Kenneth Kunen (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let X be a compact Hausdorff space and M a metric space. E 0 ( X , M ) is the set of f ∈ C(X,M) such that there is a dense set of points x ∈ X with f constant on some neighborhood of x. We describe some general classes of X for which E 0 ( X , M ) is all of C(X,M). These include βℕ, any nowhere separable LOTS, and any X such that forcing with the open subsets of X does not add reals. In the case where M is a Banach space, we discuss the properties of E 0 ( X , M ) as a normed linear space. We also build three first countable...

Cofinal Σ 1 1 and Π 1 1 subsets of ω ω

Gabriel Debs, Jean Saint Raymond (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We study properties of 1 1 and π 1 1 subsets of ω ω that are cofinal relative to the orders ≤ (≤*) of full (eventual) domination. We apply these results to prove that the topological statement “Any compact covering mapping from a Borel space onto a Polish space is inductively perfect” is equivalent to the statement " α ω ω , ω ω L ( α ) is bounded for ≤*".

Topological realization of a family of pseudoreflection groups

Dietrich Notbohm (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We are interested in a topological realization of a family of pseudoreflection groups G G L ( n , F p ) ; i.e. we are looking for topological spaces whose mod-p cohomology is isomorphic to the ring of invariants F p [ x 1 , . . . , x n ] G . Spaces of this type give partial answers to a problem of Steenrod, namely which polynomial algebras over F p can appear as the mod-p cohomology of a space. The family under consideration is given by pseudoreflection groups which are subgroups of the wreath product / q Σ n where q divides p - 1 and...

Bohr compactifications of discrete structures

Joan Hart, Kenneth Kunen (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We prove the following theorem: Given a⊆ω and 1 α < ω 1 C K , if for some η < 1 and all u ∈ WO of length η, a is Σ α 0 ( u ) , then a is Σ α 0 .We use this result to give a new, forcing-free, proof of Leo Harrington’s theorem: Σ 1 1 -Turing-determinacy implies the existence of 0 .

Hausdorff ’s theorem for posets that satisfy the finite antichain property

Uri Abraham, Robert Bonnet (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Hausdorff characterized the class of scattered linear orderings as the least family of linear orderings that includes the ordinals and is closed under ordinal summations and inversions. We formulate and prove a corresponding characterization of the class of scattered partial orderings that satisfy the finite antichain condition (FAC).  Consider the least class of partial orderings containing the class of well-founded orderings that satisfy the FAC and is closed under the following operations:...

On products of Radon measures

C. Gryllakis, S. Grekas (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let X = [ 0 , 1 ] Γ with card Γ ≥ c (c denotes the continuum). We construct two Radon measures μ,ν on X such that there exist open subsets of X × X which are not measurable for the simple outer product measure. Moreover, these measures are strikingly similar to the Lebesgue product measure: for every finite F ⊆ Γ, the projections of μ and ν onto [ 0 , 1 ] F are equivalent to the F-dimensional Lebesgue measure. We generalize this construction to any compact group of weight ≥ c, by replacing the Lebesgue product...

Ordinary differential equations and descriptive set theory: uniqueness and globality of solutions of Cauchy problems in one dimension

Alessandro Andretta, Alberto Marcone (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We study some natural sets arising in the theory of ordinary differential equations in one variable from the point of view of descriptive set theory and in particular classify them within the Borel hierarchy. We prove that the set of Cauchy problems for ordinary differential equations which have a unique solution is 2 0 -complete and that the set of Cauchy problems which locally have a unique solution is 3 0 -complete. We prove that the set of Cauchy problems which have a global solution is...

On absolute retracts of ω*

A. Bella, A. Błaszczyk, A. Szymański (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


An extremally disconnected space is called an absolute retract in the class of all extremally disconnected spaces if it is a retract of any extremally disconnected compact space in which it can be embedded. The Gleason spaces over dyadic spaces have this property. The main result of this paper says that if a space X of π-weight ω 1 is an absolute retract in the class of all extremally disconnected compact spaces and X is homogeneous with respect to π-weight (i.e. all non-empty open sets...

Classical-type characterizations of non-metrizable ANE(n)-spaces

Valentin Gutev, Vesko Valov (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


The Kuratowski-Dugundji theorem that a metrizable space is an absolute (neighborhood) extensor in dimension n iff it is L C n - 1 C n - 1 (resp., L C n - 1 ) is extended to a class of non-metrizable absolute (neighborhood) extensors in dimension n. On this base, several facts concerning metrizable extensors are established for non-metrizable ones.

On absolutely divergent series

Sakaé Fuchino, Heike Mildenberger, Saharon Shelah, Peter Vojtáš (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We show that in the 2 -stage countable support iteration of Mathias forcing over a model of CH the complete Boolean algebra generated by absolutely divergent series under eventual dominance is not isomorphic to the completion of P(ω)/fin. This complements Vojtáš’ result that under c f ( ) = the two algebras are isomorphic [15].

Loop spaces and homotopy operations

David Blanc (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We describe an obstruction theory for an H-space X to be a loop space, in terms of higher homotopy operations taking values in π * X . These depend on first algebraically “delooping” the Π-algebras π * X , using the H-space structure on X, and then trying to realize the delooped Π-algebra.

Definability within structures related to Pascal’s triangle modulo an integer

Alexis Bès, Ivan Korec (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let Sq denote the set of squares, and let S Q n be the squaring function restricted to powers of n; let ⊥ denote the coprimeness relation. Let B n ( x , y ) = ( x + y x ) M O D n . For every integer n ≥ 2 addition and multiplication are definable in the structures ⟨ℕ; Bn,⊥⟩ and ⟨ℕ; Bn,Sq⟩; thus their elementary theories are undecidable. On the other hand, for every prime p the elementary theory of ⟨ℕ; Bp,SQp⟩ is decidable.

Interpreting reflexive theories in finitely many axioms

V. Shavrukov (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


For finitely axiomatized sequential theories F and reflexive theories R, we give a characterization of the relation ’F interprets R’ in terms of provability of restricted consistency statements on cuts. This characterization is used in a proof that the set of 1 (as well as 1 ) sentences π such that GB interprets ZF+π is Σ 3 0 -complete.

Misiurewicz maps unfold generically (even if they are critically non-finite)

Sebastian van Strien (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We show that in normalized families of polynomial or rational maps, Misiurewicz maps (critically finite or infinite) unfold generically. For example, if f λ 0 is critically finite with non-degenerate critical point c 1 ( λ 0 ) , . . . , c n ( λ 0 ) such that f λ 0 k i ( c i ( λ 0 ) ) = p i ( λ 0 ) are hyperbolic periodic points for i = 1,...,n, then  IV-1. Age impartible......................................................................................................................................................................... 31   λ ( f λ k 1 ( c 1 ( λ ) ) - p 1 ( λ ) , . . . , f λ k d - 2 ( c d - 2 ( λ ) ) - p d - 2 ( λ ) ) is a local diffeomorphism...

Embedding partially ordered sets into ω ω

Ilijas Farah (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We investigate some natural questions about the class of posets which can be embedded into ⟨ω,≤*⟩. Our main tool is a simple ccc forcing notion H E which generically embeds a given poset E into ⟨ω,≤*⟩ and does this in a “minimal” way (see Theorems 9.1, 10.1, 6.1 and 9.2).

Properties of the class of measure separable compact spaces

Mirna Džamonja, Kenneth Kunen (1995)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We investigate properties of the class of compact spaces on which every regular Borel measure is separable. This class will be referred to as MS. We discuss some closure properties of MS, and show that some simply defined compact spaces, such as compact ordered spaces or compact scattered spaces, are in MS. Most of the basic theory for regular measures is true just in ZFC. On the other hand, the existence of a compact ordered scattered space which carries a non-separable (non-regular)...

The space of ANR’s in n

Tadeusz Dobrowolski, Leonard Rubin (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


The hyperspaces A N R ( n ) and A R ( n ) in 2 n ( n 3 ) consisting respectively of all compact absolute neighborhood retracts and all compact absolute retracts are studied. It is shown that both have the Borel type of absolute G δ σ δ -spaces and that, indeed, they are not F σ δ σ -spaces. The main result is that A N R ( n ) is an absorber for the class of all absolute G δ σ δ -spaces and is therefore homeomorphic to the standard model space Ω 3 of this class.

All solenoids of piecewise smooth maps are period doubling

Lluís Alsedà, Víctor Jiménez López, L’ubomír Snoha (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We show that piecewise smooth maps with a finite number of pieces of monotonicity and nowhere vanishing Lipschitz continuous derivative can have only period doubling solenoids. The proof is based on the fact that if p 1 < . . . < p n is a periodic orbit of a continuous map f then there is a union set q 1 , . . . , q n - 1 of some periodic orbits of f such that p i < q i < p i + 1 for any i.