Displaying similar documents to “Arithmetic of 0-cycles on varieties defined over number fields”

Obstruction sets and extensions of groups

Francesca Balestrieri (2016)

Acta Arithmetica


Let X be a nice variety over a number field k. We characterise in pure “descent-type” terms some inequivalent obstruction sets refining the inclusion X ( k ) é t , B r X ( k ) B r . In the first part, we apply ideas from the proof of X ( k ) é t , B r = X ( k ) k by Skorobogatov and Demarche to new cases, by proving a comparison theorem for obstruction sets. In the second part, we show that if k are such that E x t ( , k ) , then X ( k ) = X ( k ) . This allows us to conclude, among other things, that X ( k ) é t , B r = X ( k ) k and X ( k ) S o l , B r = X ( k ) S o l k .

The Brauer group and the Brauer–Manin set of products of varieties

Alexei N. Skorobogatov, Yuri G. Zahrin (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let X and Y be smooth and projective varieties over a field k finitely generated over Q , and let X ¯ and Y ¯ be the varieties over an algebraic closure of k obtained from X and Y , respectively, by extension of the ground field. We show that the Galois invariant subgroup of Br ( X ¯ ) Br( Y ¯ ) has finite index in the Galois invariant subgroup of Br ( X ¯ × Y ¯ ) . This implies that the cokernel of the natural map Br ( X ) Br ( Y ) Br ( X × Y ) is finite when k is a number field. In this case we prove that the Brauer–Manin set of the...

J -invariant of linear algebraic groups

Viktor Petrov, Nikita Semenov, Kirill Zainoulline (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let G be a semisimple linear algebraic group of inner type over a field F , and let X be a projective homogeneous G -variety such that G splits over the function field of X . We introduce the J -invariant of G which characterizes the motivic behavior of X , and generalizes the J -invariant defined by A. Vishik in the context of quadratic forms. We use this J -invariant to provide motivic decompositions of all generically split projective homogeneous G -varieties, e.g. Severi-Brauer varieties,...

Elements of large order on varieties over prime finite fields

Mei-Chu Chang, Bryce Kerr, Igor E. Shparlinski, Umberto Zannier (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


Let 𝒱 be a fixed algebraic variety defined by m polynomials in n variables with integer coefficients. We show that there exists a constant C ( 𝒱 ) such that for almost all primes p for all but at most C ( 𝒱 ) points on the reduction of 𝒱 modulo p at least one of the components has a large multiplicative order. This generalises several previous results and is a step towards a conjecture of B. Poonen.

Characterization of cycle domains via Kobayashi hyperbolicity

Gregor Fels, Alan Huckleberry (2005)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


A real form G of a complex semi-simple Lie group G has only finitely many orbits in any given G -flag manifold Z = G / Q . The complex geometry of these orbits is of interest, e.g., for the associated representation theory. The open orbits D generally possess only the constant holomorphic functions, and the relevant associated geometric objects are certain positive-dimensional compact complex submanifolds of D which, with very few well-understood exceptions, are parameterized by the Wolf cycle...

Purity of level m stratifications

Marc-Hubert Nicole, Adrian Vasiu, Torsten Wedhorn (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let k be a field of characteristic p > 0 . Let D m be a BT m over k (i.e., an m -truncated Barsotti–Tate group over k ). Let S be a k -scheme and let X be a BT m over S . Let S D m ( X ) be the subscheme of S which describes the locus where X is locally for the fppf topology isomorphic to D m . If p 5 , we show that S D m ( X ) is pure in S , i.e. the immersion S D m ( X ) S is affine. For p { 2 , 3 } , we prove purity if D m satisfies a certain technical property depending only on its p -torsion D m [ p ] . For p 5 , we apply the developed techniques to show that...

The Ramsey numbers for some subgraphs of generalized wheels versus cycles and paths

Halina Bielak, Kinga Dąbrowska (2015)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica


The Ramsey number R ( G , H ) for a pair of graphs G and H is defined as the smallest integer n such that, for any graph F on n vertices, either F contains G or F ¯ contains H as a subgraph, where F ¯ denotes the complement of F . We study Ramsey numbers for some subgraphs of generalized wheels versus cycles and paths and determine these numbers for some cases. We extend many known results studied in [5, 14, 18, 19, 20]. In particular we count the numbers R ( K 1 + L n , P m ) and R ( K 1 + L n , C m ) for some integers m , n , where L n is...

On the multiples of a badly approximable vector

Yann Bugeaud (2015)

Acta Arithmetica


Let d be a positive integer and α a real algebraic number of degree d + 1. Set α ̲ : = ( α , α ² , . . . , α d ) . It is well-known that c ( α ̲ ) : = l i m i n f q q 1 / d · | | q α ̲ | | > 0 , where ||·|| denotes the distance to the nearest integer. Furthermore, c ( α ̲ ) n - 1 / d c ( n α ̲ ) n c ( α ̲ ) for any integer n ≥ 1. Our main result asserts that there exists a real number C, depending only on α, such that c ( n α ̲ ) C n - 1 / d for any integer n ≥ 1.

On the Picard number of divisors in Fano manifolds

Cinzia Casagrande (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let  X be a complex Fano manifold of arbitrary dimension, and D a prime divisor in  X . We consider the image 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) of  𝒩 1 ( D ) in  𝒩 1 ( X ) under the natural push-forward of 1 -cycles. We show that ρ X - ρ D codim 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) 8 . Moreover if codim 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) 3 , then either X S × T where S is a Del Pezzo surface, or codim 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) = 3 and X has a fibration in Del Pezzo surfaces onto a Fano manifold T such that ρ X - ρ T = 4 .

On the compositum of all degree d extensions of a number field

Itamar Gal, Robert Grizzard (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


We study the compositum k [ d ] of all degree d extensions of a number field k in a fixed algebraic closure. We show k [ d ] contains all subextensions of degree less than d if and only if d 4 . We prove that for d > 2 there is no bound c = c ( d ) on the degree of elements required to generate finite subextensions of k [ d ] / k . Restricting to Galois subextensions, we prove such a bound does not exist under certain conditions on divisors of d , but that one can take c = d when d is prime. This question was inspired by work of...

Three-space problems for the approximation property

A. Szankowski (2009)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


It is shown that there is a subspace Z q of q for 1 < q < 2 which is isomorphic to q such that q / Z q does not have the approximation property. On the other hand, for 2 < p < there is a subspace Y p of p such that Y p does not have the approximation property (AP) but the quotient space p / Y p is isomorphic to p . The result is obtained by defining random “Enflo-Davie spaces” Y p which with full probability fail AP for all 2 < p and have AP for all 1 p 2 . For 1 < p 2 , Y p are isomorphic to p .

Maximum number of limit cycles for generalized Liénard polynomial differential systems

Aziza Berbache, Ahmed Bendjeddou, Sabah Benadouane (2021)

Mathematica Bohemica


We consider limit cycles of a class of polynomial differential systems of the form x ˙ = y , y ˙ = - x - ε ( g 21 ( x ) y 2 α + 1 + f 21 ( x ) y 2 β ) - ε 2 ( g 22 ( x ) y 2 α + 1 + f 22 ( x ) y 2 β ) , where β and α are positive integers, g 2 j and f 2 j have degree m and n , respectively, for each j = 1 , 2 , and ε is a small parameter. We obtain the maximum number of limit cycles that bifurcate from the periodic orbits of the linear center x ˙ = y , y ˙ = - x using the averaging theory of first and second order.

Manin’s and Peyre’s conjectures on rational points and adelic mixing

Alex Gorodnik, François Maucourant, Hee Oh (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let X be the wonderful compactification of a connected adjoint semisimple group G defined over a number field K . We prove Manin’s conjecture on the asymptotic (as T ) of the number of K -rational points of X of height less than T , and give an explicit construction of a measure on X ( 𝔸 ) , generalizing Peyre’s measure, which describes the asymptotic distribution of the rational points 𝐆 ( K ) on X ( 𝔸 ) . Our approach is based on the mixing property of L 2 ( 𝐆 ( K ) 𝐆 ( 𝔸 ) ) which we obtain with a rate of convergence. ...

On butterfly-points in β X , Tychonoff products and weak Lindelöf numbers

Sergei Logunov (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let X be the Tychonoff product α < τ X α of τ -many Tychonoff non-single point spaces X α . Let p X * be a point in the closure of some G X whose weak Lindelöf number is strictly less than the cofinality of τ . Then we show that β X { p } is not normal. Under some additional assumptions, p is a butterfly-point in β X . In particular, this is true if either X = ω τ or X = R τ and τ is infinite and not countably cofinal.

On the least almost-prime in arithmetic progressions

Liuying Wu (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let 𝒫 2 denote a positive integer with at most 2 prime factors, counted according to multiplicity. For integers a , q such that ( a , q ) = 1 , let 𝒫 2 ( q , a ) denote the least 𝒫 2 in the arithmetic progression { n q + a } n = 1 . It is proved that for sufficiently large q , we have 𝒫 2 ( q , a ) q 1 . 825 . This result constitutes an improvement upon that of J. Li, M. Zhang and Y. Cai (2023), who obtained 𝒫 2 ( q , a ) q 1 . 8345 .