Displaying similar documents to “Arithmetic of 0-cycles on varieties defined over number fields”

Obstruction sets and extensions of groups

Francesca Balestrieri (2016)

Acta Arithmetica


Let X be a nice variety over a number field k. We characterise in pure “descent-type” terms some inequivalent obstruction sets refining the inclusion X ( k ) é t , B r X ( k ) B r . In the first part, we apply ideas from the proof of X ( k ) é t , B r = X ( k ) k by Skorobogatov and Demarche to new cases, by proving a comparison theorem for obstruction sets. In the second part, we show that if k are such that E x t ( , k ) , then X ( k ) = X ( k ) . This allows us to conclude, among other things, that X ( k ) é t , B r = X ( k ) k and X ( k ) S o l , B r = X ( k ) S o l k .

The Brauer group and the Brauer–Manin set of products of varieties

Alexei N. Skorobogatov, Yuri G. Zahrin (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let X and Y be smooth and projective varieties over a field k finitely generated over Q , and let X ¯ and Y ¯ be the varieties over an algebraic closure of k obtained from X and Y , respectively, by extension of the ground field. We show that the Galois invariant subgroup of Br ( X ¯ ) Br( Y ¯ ) has finite index in the Galois invariant subgroup of Br ( X ¯ × Y ¯ ) . This implies that the cokernel of the natural map Br ( X ) Br ( Y ) Br ( X × Y ) is finite when k is a number field. In this case we prove that the Brauer–Manin set of the...

J -invariant of linear algebraic groups

Viktor Petrov, Nikita Semenov, Kirill Zainoulline (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let G be a semisimple linear algebraic group of inner type over a field F , and let X be a projective homogeneous G -variety such that G splits over the function field of X . We introduce the J -invariant of G which characterizes the motivic behavior of X , and generalizes the J -invariant defined by A. Vishik in the context of quadratic forms. We use this J -invariant to provide motivic decompositions of all generically split projective homogeneous G -varieties, e.g. Severi-Brauer varieties,...

Elements of large order on varieties over prime finite fields

Mei-Chu Chang, Bryce Kerr, Igor E. Shparlinski, Umberto Zannier (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


Let 𝒱 be a fixed algebraic variety defined by m polynomials in n variables with integer coefficients. We show that there exists a constant C ( 𝒱 ) such that for almost all primes p for all but at most C ( 𝒱 ) points on the reduction of 𝒱 modulo p at least one of the components has a large multiplicative order. This generalises several previous results and is a step towards a conjecture of B. Poonen.

Characterization of cycle domains via Kobayashi hyperbolicity

Gregor Fels, Alan Huckleberry (2005)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


A real form G of a complex semi-simple Lie group G has only finitely many orbits in any given G -flag manifold Z = G / Q . The complex geometry of these orbits is of interest, e.g., for the associated representation theory. The open orbits D generally possess only the constant holomorphic functions, and the relevant associated geometric objects are certain positive-dimensional compact complex submanifolds of D which, with very few well-understood exceptions, are parameterized by the Wolf cycle...

Purity of level m stratifications

Marc-Hubert Nicole, Adrian Vasiu, Torsten Wedhorn (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let k be a field of characteristic p > 0 . Let D m be a BT m over k (i.e., an m -truncated Barsotti–Tate group over k ). Let S be a k -scheme and let X be a BT m over S . Let S D m ( X ) be the subscheme of S which describes the locus where X is locally for the fppf topology isomorphic to D m . If p 5 , we show that S D m ( X ) is pure in S , i.e. the immersion S D m ( X ) S is affine. For p { 2 , 3 } , we prove purity if D m satisfies a certain technical property depending only on its p -torsion D m [ p ] . For p 5 , we apply the developed techniques to show that...

The Ramsey numbers for some subgraphs of generalized wheels versus cycles and paths

Halina Bielak, Kinga Dąbrowska (2015)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica


The Ramsey number R ( G , H ) for a pair of graphs G and H is defined as the smallest integer n such that, for any graph F on n vertices, either F contains G or F ¯ contains H as a subgraph, where F ¯ denotes the complement of F . We study Ramsey numbers for some subgraphs of generalized wheels versus cycles and paths and determine these numbers for some cases. We extend many known results studied in [5, 14, 18, 19, 20]. In particular we count the numbers R ( K 1 + L n , P m ) and R ( K 1 + L n , C m ) for some integers m , n , where L n is...

On the multiples of a badly approximable vector

Yann Bugeaud (2015)

Acta Arithmetica


Let d be a positive integer and α a real algebraic number of degree d + 1. Set α ̲ : = ( α , α ² , . . . , α d ) . It is well-known that c ( α ̲ ) : = l i m i n f q q 1 / d · | | q α ̲ | | > 0 , where ||·|| denotes the distance to the nearest integer. Furthermore, c ( α ̲ ) n - 1 / d c ( n α ̲ ) n c ( α ̲ ) for any integer n ≥ 1. Our main result asserts that there exists a real number C, depending only on α, such that c ( n α ̲ ) C n - 1 / d for any integer n ≥ 1.

On the Picard number of divisors in Fano manifolds

Cinzia Casagrande (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let  X be a complex Fano manifold of arbitrary dimension, and D a prime divisor in  X . We consider the image 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) of  𝒩 1 ( D ) in  𝒩 1 ( X ) under the natural push-forward of 1 -cycles. We show that ρ X - ρ D codim 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) 8 . Moreover if codim 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) 3 , then either X S × T where S is a Del Pezzo surface, or codim 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) = 3 and X has a fibration in Del Pezzo surfaces onto a Fano manifold T such that ρ X - ρ T = 4 .

On the compositum of all degree d extensions of a number field

Itamar Gal, Robert Grizzard (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


We study the compositum k [ d ] of all degree d extensions of a number field k in a fixed algebraic closure. We show k [ d ] contains all subextensions of degree less than d if and only if d 4 . We prove that for d > 2 there is no bound c = c ( d ) on the degree of elements required to generate finite subextensions of k [ d ] / k . Restricting to Galois subextensions, we prove such a bound does not exist under certain conditions on divisors of d , but that one can take c = d when d is prime. This question was inspired by work of...

Three-space problems for the approximation property

A. Szankowski (2009)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


It is shown that there is a subspace Z q of q for 1 < q < 2 which is isomorphic to q such that q / Z q does not have the approximation property. On the other hand, for 2 < p < there is a subspace Y p of p such that Y p does not have the approximation property (AP) but the quotient space p / Y p is isomorphic to p . The result is obtained by defining random “Enflo-Davie spaces” Y p which with full probability fail AP for all 2 < p and have AP for all 1 p 2 . For 1 < p 2 , Y p are isomorphic to p .

Manin’s and Peyre’s conjectures on rational points and adelic mixing

Alex Gorodnik, François Maucourant, Hee Oh (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let X be the wonderful compactification of a connected adjoint semisimple group G defined over a number field K . We prove Manin’s conjecture on the asymptotic (as T ) of the number of K -rational points of X of height less than T , and give an explicit construction of a measure on X ( 𝔸 ) , generalizing Peyre’s measure, which describes the asymptotic distribution of the rational points 𝐆 ( K ) on X ( 𝔸 ) . Our approach is based on the mixing property of L 2 ( 𝐆 ( K ) 𝐆 ( 𝔸 ) ) which we obtain with a rate of convergence. ...

The subspace of weak P -points of *

Salvador García-Ferreira, Y. F. Ortiz-Castillo (2015)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let W be the subspace of * consisting of all weak P -points. It is not hard to see that W is a pseudocompact space. In this paper we shall prove that this space has stronger pseudocompact properties. Indeed, it is shown that W is a p -pseudocompact space for all p * .

Local-global divisibility of rational points in some commutative algebraic groups

Roberto Dvornicich, Umberto Zannier (2001)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


Let 𝒜 be a commutative algebraic group defined over a number field  k . We consider the following question:A complete answer for the case of the multiplicative group 𝔾 m is classical. We study other instances and in particular obtain an affirmative answer when r is a prime and  𝒜 is either an elliptic curve or a torus of small dimension with respect to r . Without restriction on the dimension of a torus, we produce an example showing that the answer can be negative even when r is a prime. ...

Cluster ensembles, quantization and the dilogarithm

Vladimir V. Fock, Alexander B. Goncharov (2009)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


A cluster ensemble is a pair ( 𝒳 , 𝒜 ) of positive spaces (i.e. varieties equipped with positive atlases), coming with an action of a symmetry group Γ . The space 𝒜 is closely related to the spectrum of a cluster algebra [12]. The two spaces are related by a morphism p : 𝒜 𝒳 . The space 𝒜 is equipped with a closed 2 -form, possibly degenerate, and the space 𝒳 has a Poisson structure. The map p is compatible with these structures. The dilogarithm together with its motivic and quantum avatars plays a central...

Extensions of the Cugiani-Mahler theorem

Yann Bugeaud (2007)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze


In 1955, Roth established that if ξ is an irrational number such that there are a positive real number ε and infinitely many rational numbers p / q with q 1 and | ξ - p / q | &lt; q - 2 - ε , then ξ is transcendental. A few years later, Cugiani obtained the same conclusion with ε replaced by a function q ε ( q ) that decreases very slowly to zero, provided that the sequence of rational solutions to | ξ - p / q | &lt; q - 2 - ε ( q ) is sufficiently dense, in a suitable sense. We give an alternative, and much simpler, proof of Cugiani’s Theorem and extend it...