Displaying similar documents to “Curvature measures, normal cycles and asymptotic cones”

Piecewise linear approximation of smooth functions of two variables

Joseph H.G. Fu (2013)

Actes des rencontres du CIRM


The normal cycle of a singular subset X of a smooth manifold is a basic tool for understanding and computing the curvature of X . If X is replaced by a singular function on n then there is a natural companion notion called the of f , which has been introduced by the author and by R. Jerrard. We discuss a few fundamental facts and open problems about functions f that admit gradient cycles, with particular attention to the first nontrivial dimension n = 2 .

Multi-Harnack smoothings of real plane branches

Pedro Daniel González Pérez, Jean-Jacques Risler (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let Δ 𝐑 2 be an integral convex polygon. G. Mikhalkin introduced the notion of, a class of real algebraic curves, defined by polynomials supported on Δ and contained in the corresponding toric surface. He proved their existence, viamethod, and that the topological type of their real parts is unique (and determined by Δ ). This paper is concerned with the description of the analogous statement in the case of a smoothing of a real plane branch ( C , 0 ) . We introduce the class ofsmoothings of ( C , 0 ) by...

Constructive quantization: approximation by empirical measures

Steffen Dereich, Michael Scheutzow, Reik Schottstedt (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


In this article, we study the approximation of a probability measure μ on d by its empirical measure μ ^ N interpreted as a random quantization. As error criterion we consider an averaged p th moment Wasserstein metric. In the case where 2 p l t ; d , we establish fine upper and lower bounds for the error, a. Moreover, we provide a universal estimate based on moments, a . In particular, we show that quantization by empirical measures is of optimal order under weak assumptions.

Some results on spaces with 1 -calibre

Wei-Feng Xuan, Wei-Xue Shi (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We prove that, assuming , if X is a space with 1 -calibre and a zeroset diagonal, then X is submetrizable. This gives a consistent positive answer to the question of Buzyakova in Observations on spaces with zeroset or regular G δ -diagonals, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 46 (2005), no. 3, 469–473. We also make some observations on spaces with 1 -calibre.

A priori bounds for some infinitely renormalizable quadratics: II. Decorations

Jeremy Kahn, Mikhail Lyubich (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


A decoration of the Mandelbrot set M is a part of M cut off by two external rays landing at some tip of a satellite copy of M attached to the main cardioid. In this paper we consider infinitely renormalizable quadratic polynomials satisfying the decoration condition, which means that the combinatorics of the renormalization operators involved is selected from a finite family of decorations. For this class of maps we prove bounds. They imply local connectivity of the corresponding Julia...

Cutting the loss of derivatives for solvability under condition ( Ψ )

Nicolas Lerner (2006)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


For a principal type pseudodifferential operator, we prove that condition  ( ψ ) implies local solvability with a loss of 3/2 derivatives. We use many elements of Dencker’s paper on the proof of the Nirenberg-Treves conjecture and we provide some improvements of the key energy estimates which allows us to cut the loss of derivatives from ϵ + 3 / 2 for any ϵ > 0 (Dencker’s most recent result) to 3/2 (the present paper). It is already known that condition  ( ψ ) doesimply local solvability with a loss of 1...

The parabolic Anderson model in a dynamic random environment: Basic properties of the quenched Lyapunov exponent

D. Erhard, F. den Hollander, G. Maillard (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


In this paper we study the parabolic Anderson equation u ( x , t ) / t = κ 𝛥 u ( x , t ) + ξ ( x , t ) u ( x , t ) , x d , t 0 , where the u -field and the ξ -field are -valued, κ [ 0 , ) is the diffusion constant, and 𝛥 is the discrete Laplacian. The ξ -field plays the role of athat drives the equation. The initial condition u ( x , 0 ) = u 0 ( x ) , x d , is taken to be non-negative and bounded. The solution of the parabolic Anderson equation describes the evolution of a field of particles performing independent simple random walks with binary branching: particles jump at rate 2 d κ ,...

On multiset colorings of generalized corona graphs

Yun Feng, Wensong Lin (2016)

Mathematica Bohemica


A vertex k -coloring of a graph G is a if M ( u ) M ( v ) for every edge u v E ( G ) , where M ( u ) and M ( v ) denote the multisets of colors of the neighbors of u and v , respectively. The minimum k for which G has a multiset k -coloring is the χ m ( G ) of G . For an integer 0 , the - of a graph G , cor ( G ) , is the graph obtained from G by adding, for each vertex v in G , new neighbors which are end-vertices. In this paper, the multiset chromatic numbers are determined for - of all complete graphs, the regular complete...

A new kind of augmentation of filtrations

Joseph Najnudel, Ashkan Nikeghbali (2011)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics


Let (Ω, , ( t ), ) be a filtered probability space satisfying the usual assumptions: it is usually not possible to extend to (the-algebra generated by ( t )) a coherent family of probability measures ( t ) indexed by , each of them being defined on t . It is known that for instance, on the Wiener space, this extension problem has a positive answer if one takes the filtration generated by the coordinate process, made right-continuous, but can have a negative...

Dimers and cluster integrable systems

Alexander B. Goncharov, Richard Kenyon (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


We show that the dimer model on a bipartite graph Γ on a torus gives rise to a quantum integrable system of special type, which we call a. The phase space of the classical system contains, as an open dense subset, the moduli space Ł Γ of line bundles with connections on the graph Γ . The sum of Hamiltonians is essentially the partition function of the dimer model. We say that two such graphs Γ 1 and Γ 2 areif the Newton polygons of the corresponding partition functions coincide up to translation....

On standard norm varieties

Nikita A. Karpenko, Alexander S. Merkurjev (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let  p be a prime integer and F a field of characteristic 0 . Let  X be theof a symbol in the Galois cohomology group H n + 1 ( F , μ p n ) (for some n 1 ), constructed in the proof of the Bloch-Kato conjecture. The main result of the paper affirms that the function field F ( X ) has the following property: for any equidimensional variety Y , the change of field homomorphism CH ( Y ) CH ( Y F ( X ) ) of Chow groups with coefficients in integers localized at  p is surjective in codimensions < ( dim X ) / ( p - 1 ) . One of the main ingredients of the proof is a computation...

Ricci flow coupled with harmonic map flow

Reto Müller (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


We investigate a coupled system of the Ricci flow on a closed manifold M with the harmonic map flow of a map φ from M to some closed target manifold N , t g = - 2 Rc + 2 α φ φ , t φ = τ g φ , where α is a (possibly time-dependent) positive coupling constant. Surprisingly, the coupled system may be less singular than the Ricci flow or the harmonic map flow alone. In particular, we can always rule out energy concentration of  φ a-priori by choosing α large enough. Moreover, it suffices to bound the curvature...

Waring’s problem for Beatty sequences and a local to global principle

William D. Banks, Ahmet M. Güloğlu, Robert C. Vaughan (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


We investigate in various ways the representation of a large natural number N as a sum of s positive k -th powers of numbers from a fixed Beatty sequence. , a very general form of the local to global principle is established in additive number theory. Although the proof is very short, it depends on a deep theorem of M. Kneser.

Limit theorems for one and two-dimensional random walks in random scenery

Fabienne Castell, Nadine Guillotin-Plantard, Françoise Pène (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


Random walks in random scenery are processes defined by Z n : = k = 1 n ξ X 1 + + X k , where ( X k , k 1 ) and ( ξ y , y d ) are two independent sequences of i.i.d. random variables with values in d and respectively. We suppose that the distributions of X 1 and ξ 0 belong to the normal basin of attraction of stable distribution of index α ( 0 , 2 ] and β ( 0 , 2 ] . When d = 1 and α 1 , a functional limit theorem has been established in ( (1979) 5–25) and a local limit theorem in (To appear). In this paper, we establish the convergence in distribution...

L 2 well-posed Cauchy problems and symmetrizability of first order systems

Guy Métivier (2014)

Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques


The Cauchy problem for first order system L ( t , x , t , x ) is known to be well-posed in L 2 when it admits a microlocal symmetrizer S ( t , x , ξ ) which is smooth in ξ and Lipschitz continuous in ( t , x ) . This paper contains three main results. First we show that a Lipschitz smoothness globally in ( t , x , ξ ) is sufficient. Second, we show that the existence of symmetrizers with a given smoothness is equivalent to the existence of having the same smoothness. This notion was first introduced in []. This is the key point to prove...

Two-dimensional curvature functionals with superquadratic growth

Ernst Kuwert, Tobias Lamm, Yuxiang Li (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


For two-dimensional, immersed closed surfaces f : Σ n , we study the curvature functionals p ( f ) and 𝒲 p ( f ) with integrands ( 1 + | A | 2 ) p / 2 and ( 1 + | H | 2 ) p / 2 , respectively. Here A is the second fundamental form, H is the mean curvature and we assume p > 2 . Our main result asserts that W 2 , p critical points are smooth in both cases. We also prove a compactness theorem for 𝒲 p -bounded sequences. In the case of p this is just Langer’s theorem [16], while for 𝒲 p we have to impose a bound for the Willmore energy strictly below 8 π as an additional...

Coincidence for substitutions of Pisot type

Marcy Barge, Beverly Diamond (2002)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


Let ϕ be a substitution of Pisot type on the alphabet 𝒜 = { 1 , 2 , ... , d } ; ϕ satisfies theif for every i , j 𝒜 , there are integers k , n such that ϕ n ( i ) and ϕ n ( j ) have the same k -th letter, and the prefixes of length k - 1 of ϕ n ( i ) and ϕ n ( j ) have the same image under the abelianization map. We prove that the strong coincidence condition is satisfied if d = 2 and provide a partial result for d 2 .