Displaying similar documents to “Lifting the field of norms”

On twisted group algebras of OTP representation type over the ring of p-adic integers

Leonid F. Barannyk, Dariusz Klein (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let ̂ p be the ring of p-adic integers, U ( ̂ p ) the unit group of ̂ p and G = G p × B a finite group, where G p is a p-group and B is a p’-group. Denote by ̂ p λ G the twisted group algebra of G over ̂ p with a 2-cocycle λ Z ² ( G , U ( ̂ p ) ) . We give necessary and sufficient conditions for ̂ p λ G to be of OTP representation type, in the sense that every indecomposable ̂ p λ G -module is isomorphic to the outer tensor product V W of an indecomposable ̂ p λ G p -module V and an irreducible ̂ p λ B -module W.

-invariants and Darmon cycles attached to modular forms

Victor Rotger, Marco Adamo Seveso (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let f be a modular eigenform of even weight k 2 and new at a prime p dividing exactly the level with respect to an indefinite quaternion algebra. The theory of Fontaine-Mazur allows to attach to f a monodromy module D f F M and an -invariant f F M . The first goal of this paper is building a suitable p -adic integration theory that allows us to construct a new monodromy module D f and -invariant f , in the spirit of Darmon. The two monodromy modules are isomorphic, and in particular the two -invariants...

On the de Rham and p -adic realizations of the elliptic polylogarithm for CM elliptic curves

Kenichi Bannai, Shinichi Kobayashi, Takeshi Tsuji (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


In this paper, we give an explicit description of the de Rham and p -adic polylogarithms for elliptic curves using the Kronecker theta function. In particular, consider an elliptic curve E defined over an imaginary quadratic field 𝕂 with complex multiplication by the full ring of integers 𝒪 𝕂 of 𝕂 . Note that our condition implies that 𝕂 has class number one. Assume in addition that E has good reduction above a prime p 5 unramified in 𝒪 𝕂 . In this case, we prove that the specializations of the...

An explicit computation of p -stabilized vectors

Michitaka MIYAUCHI, Takuya YAMAUCHI (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


In this paper, we give a concrete method to compute p -stabilized vectors in the space of parahori-fixed vectors for connected reductive groups over p -adic fields. An application to the global setting is also discussed. In particular, we give an explicit p -stabilized form of a Saito-Kurokawa lift.

Iwasawa theory for symmetric powers of CM modular forms at non-ordinary primes

Robert Harron, Antonio Lei (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


Let f be a cuspidal newform with complex multiplication (CM) and let p be an odd prime at which f is non-ordinary. We construct admissible p -adic L -functions for the symmetric powers of f , thus verifying conjectures of Dabrowski and Panchishkin in this special case. We combine this with recent work of Benois to prove the trivial zero conjecture in this setting. We also construct “mixed” plus and minus p -adic L -functions and prove an analogue of Pollack’s decomposition of the admissible...

A note on Frobenius divided modules in mixed characteristics

Pierre Berthelot (2012)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


If X is a smooth scheme over a perfect field of characteristic p , and if 𝒟 X ( ) is the sheaf of differential operators on X [7], it is well known that giving an action of 𝒟 X ( ) on an 𝒪 X -module is equivalent to giving an infinite sequence of 𝒪 X -modules descending via the iterates of the Frobenius endomorphism of X [5]. We show that this result can be generalized to any infinitesimal deformation f : X S of a smooth morphism in characteristic p , endowed with Frobenius liftings. We also show that it...

Dual Blobs and Plancherel Formulas

Ju-Lee Kim (2004)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


Let k be a p -adic field. Let G be the group of k -rational points of a connected reductive group 𝖦 defined over k , and let 𝔤 be its Lie algebra. Under certain hypotheses on 𝖦 and k , wethe tempered dual G ^ of G via the Plancherel formula on 𝔤 , using some character expansions. This involves matching spectral decomposition factors of the Plancherel formulas on 𝔤 and G . As a consequence, we prove that any tempered representation contains a good minimal 𝖪 -type; we extend this result to irreducible...

On the infinite fern of Galois representations of unitary type

Gaëtan Chenevier (2011)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let E be a CM number field, p an odd prime totally split in  E , and let  X be the p -adic analytic space parameterizing the isomorphism classes of  3 -dimensional semisimple p -adic representations of  Gal ( E ¯ / E ) satisfying a selfduality condition “of type U ( 3 ) ”. We study an analogue of the infinite fern of Gouvêa-Mazur in this context and show that each irreducible component of the Zariski-closure of the modular points in  X has dimension at least 3 [ E : ] . As important steps, and in any rank, we prove that any...

An alternative description of the Drinfeld p -adic half-plane

Stephen Kudla, Michael Rapoport (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We show that the Deligne formal model of the Drinfeld p -adic half-plane relative to a local field F represents a moduli problem of polarized O F -modules with an action of the ring of integers in a quadratic extension E of F . The proof proceeds by establishing a comparison isomorphism with the Drinfeld moduli problem. This isomorphism reflects the accidental isomorphism of SL 2 ( F ) and SU ( C ) ( F ) for a two-dimensional split hermitian space C for E / F .

Locally analytic vectors of unitary principal series of  GL 2 ( p )

Ruochuan Liu, Bingyong Xie, Yuancao Zhang (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


The p -adic local Langlands correspondence for  GL 2 ( p ) attaches to any 2 -dimensional irreducible p -adic representation V of  G p an admissible unitary representation Π ( V ) of  GL 2 ( p ) . The unitary principal series of  GL 2 ( p ) are those Π ( V ) corresponding to trianguline representations. In this article, for  p > 2 , using the machinery of Colmez, we determine the space of locally analytic vectors Π ( V ) an for all non-exceptional unitary principal series Π ( V ) of  GL 2 ( p ) by proving a conjecture of Emerton.

Some homological properties of amalgamated modules along an ideal

Hanieh Shoar, Maryam Salimi, Abolfazl Tehranian, Hamid Rasouli, Elham Tavasoli (2023)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let R and S be commutative rings with identity, J be an ideal of S , f : R S be a ring homomorphism, M be an R -module, N be an S -module, and let ϕ : M N be an R -homomorphism. The amalgamation of R with S along J with respect to f denoted by R f J was introduced by M. D’Anna et al. (2010). Recently, R. El Khalfaoui et al. (2021) introduced a special kind of ( R f J ) -module called the amalgamation of M and N along J with respect to ϕ , and denoted by M ϕ J N . We study some homological properties of the ( R f J ) -module M ϕ J N . Among...