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Displaying similar documents to “ A F -algebras and topology of mapping tori”

Singularity categories of skewed-gentle algebras

Xinhong Chen, Ming Lu (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let K be an algebraically closed field. Let (Q,Sp,I) be a skewed-gentle triple, and let ( Q s g , I s g ) and ( Q g , I g ) be the corresponding skewed-gentle pair and the associated gentle pair, respectively. We prove that the skewed-gentle algebra K Q s g / I s g is singularity equivalent to KQ/⟨I⟩. Moreover, we use (Q,Sp,I) to describe the singularity category of K Q g / I g . As a corollary, we find that g l d i m K Q s g / I s g < if and only if g l d i m K Q / I < if and only if g l d i m K Q g / I g < .

Hall algebras of two equivalent extriangulated categories

Shiquan Ruan, Li Wang, Haicheng Zhang (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


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On category 𝒪 for cyclotomic rational Cherednik algebras

Iain G. Gordon, Ivan Losev (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We study equivalences for category 𝒪 p of the rational Cherednik algebras 𝐇 p of type G ( n ) = ( μ ) n 𝔖 n : a highest weight equivalence between 𝒪 p and 𝒪 σ ( p ) for σ 𝔖 and an action of 𝔖 on an explicit non-empty Zariski open set of parameters p ; a derived equivalence between 𝒪 p and 𝒪 p ' whenever p and p ' have integral difference; a highest weight equivalence between 𝒪 p and a parabolic category 𝒪 for the general linear group, under a non-rationality assumption on the parameter p . As a consequence, we confirm special cases...

Transfer of derived equivalences from subalgebras to endomorphism algebras II

Shengyong Pan, Jiahui Yu (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


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Trivialization of 𝒞 ( X ) -algebras with strongly self-absorbing fibres

Marius Dadarlat, Wilhelm Winter (2008)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


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The moduli space of commutative algebras of finite rank

Bjorn Poonen (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


The moduli space of rank- n commutative algebras equipped with an ordered basis is an affine scheme 𝔅 n of finite type over , with geometrically connected fibers. It is smooth if and only if n 3 . It is reducible if n 8 (and the converse holds, at least if we remove the fibers above 2 and 3 ). The relative dimension of 𝔅 n is 2 27 n 3 + O ( n 8 / 3 ) . The subscheme parameterizing étale algebras is isomorphic to GL n / S n , which is of dimension only n 2 . For n 8 , there exist algebras that are not limits of étale algebras. The dimension...

On almost complex structures from classical linear connections

Jan Kurek, Włodzimierz M. Mikulski (2017)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica


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Stable tubes in extriangulated categories

Li Wang, Jiaqun Wei, Haicheng Zhang (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let 𝒳 be a semibrick in an extriangulated category. If 𝒳 is a τ -semibrick, then the Auslander-Reiten quiver Γ ( ( 𝒳 ) ) of the filtration subcategory ( 𝒳 ) generated by 𝒳 is 𝔸 . If 𝒳 = { X i } i = 1 t is a τ -cycle semibrick, then Γ ( ( 𝒳 ) ) is 𝔸 / τ 𝔸 t .

The general rigidity result for bundles of A -covelocities and A -jets

Jiří M. Tomáš (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let M be an m -dimensional manifold and A = 𝔻 k r / I = N A a Weil algebra of height r . We prove that any A -covelocity T x A f T x A * M , x M is determined by its values over arbitrary max { width A , m } regular and under the first jet projection linearly independent elements of T x A M . Further, we prove the rigidity of the so-called universally reparametrizable Weil algebras. Applying essentially those partial results we give the proof of the general rigidity result T A * M T r * M without coordinate computations, which improves and generalizes the partial...

Limits and colimits in certain categories of spaces of continuous functions

Marvin W. Grossman


CONTENTSIntroduction................................................................................................................................................................................5§ 1. Notation and preliminaries.............................................................................................................................................6§ 2. Epimorphisms and monomorphisms.........................................................................................................................7§...

On the structure of triangulated categories with finitely many indecomposables

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Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


We study the problem of classifying triangulated categories with finite-dimensional morphism spaces and finitely many indecomposables over an algebraically closed field k . We obtain a new proof of the following result due to Xiao and Zhu: the Auslander-Reiten quiver of such a category 𝒯 is of the form Δ / G where Δ is a disjoint union of simply-laced Dynkin diagrams and G a weakly admissible group of automorphisms of Δ . Then we prove that for ‘most’ groups G , the category 𝒯 is standard, ...

Higher-dimensional Auslander-Reiten sequences

Jiangsha Li, Jing He (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


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Cotorsion pairs in comma categories

Yuan Yuan, Jian He, Dejun Wu (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let 𝒜 and be abelian categories with enough projective and injective objects, and T : 𝒜 a left exact additive functor. Then one has a comma category ( T ) . It is shown that if T : 𝒜 is 𝒳 -exact, then ( 𝒳 , 𝒳 ) is a (hereditary) cotorsion pair in 𝒜 and ( 𝒴 , 𝒴 ) ) is a (hereditary) cotorsion pair in if and only if 𝒳 𝒴 , 𝐡 ( 𝒳 , 𝒴 ) ) is a (hereditary) cotorsion pair in ( T ) and 𝒳 and 𝒴 are closed under extensions. Furthermore, we characterize when special preenveloping classes in abelian categories 𝒜 and can induce special preenveloping...

Equivalence bundles over a finite group and strong Morita equivalence for unital inclusions of unital C * -algebras

Kazunori Kodaka (2022)

Mathematica Bohemica


Let 𝒜 = { A t } t G and = { B t } t G be C * -algebraic bundles over a finite group G . Let C = t G A t and D = t G B t . Also, let A = A e and B = B e , where e is the unit element in G . We suppose that C and D are unital and A and B have the unit elements in C and D , respectively. In this paper, we show that if there is an equivalence 𝒜 - -bundle over G with some properties, then the unital inclusions of unital C * -algebras A C and B D induced by 𝒜 and are strongly Morita equivalent. Also, we suppose that 𝒜 and are saturated and that A ' C = 𝐂 1 . We show that...

Bipartite coalgebras and a reduction functor for coradical square complete coalgebras

Justyna Kosakowska, Daniel Simson (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let C be a coalgebra over an arbitrary field K. We show that the study of the category C-Comod of left C-comodules reduces to the study of the category of (co)representations of a certain bicomodule, in case C is a bipartite coalgebra or a coradical square complete coalgebra, that is, C = C₁, the second term of the coradical filtration of C. If C = C₁, we associate with C a K-linear functor C : C - C o m o d H C - C o m o d that restricts to a representation equivalence C : C - c o m o d H C - c o m o d s p , where H C is a coradical square complete hereditary...

The Roquette category of finite p -groups

Serge Bouc (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let p be a prime number. This paper introduces the Roquette category p of finite p -groups, which is an additive tensor category containing all finite p -groups among its objects. In p , every finite p -group P admits a canonical direct summand P , called the edge of P . Moreover P splits uniquely as a direct sum of edges of Roquette p -groups, and the tensor structure of p can be described in terms of such edges. The main motivation for considering this category is that the additive functors...

C*-algebras have a quantitative version of Pełczyński's property (V)

Hana Krulišová (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


A Banach space X has Pełczyński’s property (V) if for every Banach space Y every unconditionally converging operator T : X Y is weakly compact. H. Pfitzner proved that C * -algebras have Pełczyński’s property (V). In the preprint (Krulišová, (2015)) the author explores possible quantifications of the property (V) and shows that C ( K ) spaces for a compact Hausdorff space K enjoy a quantitative version of the property (V). In this paper we generalize this result by quantifying Pfitzner’s theorem. Moreover,...

Cambrian fans

Nathan Reading, David E. Speyer (2009)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


For a finite Coxeter group W and a Coxeter element c of W ; the c -Cambrian fan is a coarsening of the fan defined by the reflecting hyperplanes of W . Its maximal cones are naturally indexed by the c -sortable elements of W . The main result of this paper is that the known bijection cl c between c -sortable elements and c -clusters induces a combinatorial isomorphism of fans. In particular, the c -Cambrian fan is combinatorially isomorphic to the normal fan of the generalized associahedron for...

Derived endo-discrete artin algebras

Raymundo Bautista (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let Λ be an artin algebra. We prove that for each sequence ( h i ) i of non-negative integers there are only a finite number of isomorphism classes of indecomposables X b ( Λ ) , the bounded derived category of Λ, with l e n g t h E ( X ) H i ( X ) = h i for all i ∈ ℤ and E(X) the endomorphism ring of X in b ( Λ ) if and only if b ( M o d Λ ) , the bounded derived category of the category M o d Λ of all left Λ-modules, has no generic objects in the sense of [4].