Displaying similar documents to “Minimal, rigid foliations by curves on n

Groups of C r , s -diffeomorphisms related to a foliation

Jacek Lech, Tomasz Rybicki (2007)

Banach Center Publications


The notion of a C r , s -diffeomorphism related to a foliation is introduced. A perfectness theorem for the group of C r , s -diffeomorphisms is proved. A remark on C n + 1 -diffeomorphisms is given.

Foliations by curves with curves as singularities

M. Corrêa Jr, A. Fernández-Pérez, G. Nonato Costa, R. Vidal Martins (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let be a holomorphic one-dimensional foliation on n such that the components of its singular locus Σ are curves C i and points p j . We determine the number of p j , counted with multiplicities, in terms of invariants of and C i , assuming that is special along the C i . Allowing just one nonzero dimensional component on Σ , we also prove results on when the foliation happens to be determined by its singular locus.

Twisted cotangent sheaves and a Kobayashi-Ochiai theorem for foliations

Andreas Höring (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let X be a normal projective variety, and let A be an ample Cartier divisor on X . Suppose that X is not the projective space. We prove that the twisted cotangent sheaf Ω X A is generically nef with respect to the polarisation  A . As an application we prove a Kobayashi-Ochiai theorem for foliations: if T X is a foliation such that det i A , then i is at most the rank of .

On the rigidity of webs

Michel Belliart (2007)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


Plane d -webs have been studied a lot since their appearance at the turn of the 20th century. A rather recent and striking result for them is the theorem of Dufour, stating that the measurable conjugacies between 3-webs have to be analytic. Here, we show that even the set-theoretic conjugacies between two d -webs, d 3 are analytic unless both webs are analytically parallelizable. Between two set-theoretically conjugate parallelizable d -webs, however, there always exists a nonmeasurable conjugacy;...

Foliated structure of the Kuranishi space and isomorphisms of deformation families of compact complex manifolds

Laurent Meersseman (2011)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Consider the following uniformization problem. Take two holomorphic (parametrized by some analytic set defined on a neighborhood of 0 in p , for some p > 0 ) or differentiable (parametrized by an open neighborhood of 0 in p , for some p > 0 ) deformation families of compact complex manifolds. Assume they are pointwise isomorphic, that is for each point t of the parameter space, the fiber over t of the first family is biholomorphic to the fiber over t of the second family. Then, under which conditions...

Spaces of geometrically generic configurations

Yoel Feler (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let X denote either ℂℙ m or m . We study certain analytic properties of the space n ( X , g p ) of ordered geometrically generic n -point configurations in X . This space consists of all q = ( q 1 , , q n ) X n such that no m + 1 of the points q 1 , , q n belong to a hyperplane in X . In particular, we show that for a big enough n any holomorphic map f : n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) commuting with the natural action of the symmetric group 𝐒 ( n ) in n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) is of the form f ( q ) = τ ( q ) q = ( τ ( q ) q 1 , , τ ( q ) q n ) , q n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) , where τ : n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) 𝐏𝐒𝐋 ( m + 1 , ) is an 𝐒 ( n ) -invariant holomorphic map. A similar result holds true for mappings of the configuration...

Equidistribution towards the Green current for holomorphic maps

Tien-Cuong Dinh, Nessim Sibony (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let f be a non-invertible holomorphic endomorphism of a projective space and f n its iterate of order n . We prove that the pull-back by f n of a generic (in the Zariski sense) hypersurface, properly normalized, converges to the Green current associated to f when n tends to infinity. We also give an analogous result for the pull-back of positive closed ( 1 , 1 ) -currents and a similar result for regular polynomial automorphisms of  k .

Intrinsic pseudo-volume forms for logarithmic pairs

Thomas Dedieu (2010)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


We study an adaptation to the logarithmic case of the Kobayashi-Eisenman pseudo-volume form, or rather an adaptation of its variant defined by Claire Voisin, for which she replaces holomorphic maps by holomorphic K -correspondences. We define an intrinsic logarithmic pseudo-volume form Φ X , D for every pair ( X , D ) consisting of a complex manifold X and a normal crossing Weil divisor D on X , the positive part of which is reduced. We then prove that Φ X , D is generically non-degenerate when X is projective...

Equidistribution towards the Green current

Vincent Guedj (2003)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


Let f : k k be a dominating rational mapping of first algebraic degree λ 2 . If S is a positive closed current of bidegree ( 1 , 1 ) on k with zero Lelong numbers, we show – under a natural dynamical assumption – that the pullbacks λ - n ( f n ) * S converge to the Green current T f . For some families of mappings, we get finer convergence results which allow us to characterize all f * -invariant currents.

J -holomorphic discs and real analytic hypersurfaces

William Alexandre, Emmanuel Mazzilli (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We give in 6 a real analytic almost complex structure J , a real analytic hypersurface M and a vector v in the Levi null set at 0 of M , such that there is no germ of J -holomorphic disc γ included in M with γ ( 0 ) = 0 and γ x ( 0 ) = v , although the Levi form of M has constant rank. Then for any hypersurface M and any complex structure J , we give sufficient conditions under which there exists such a germ of disc.

Pluriharmonic extension in proper image domains

Rafał Czyż (2009)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let D j be a bounded hyperconvex domain in n j and set D = D × × D s , j=1,...,s, s ≥ 3. Also let Ω π be the image of D under the proper holomorphic map π. We characterize those continuous functions f : Ω π that can be extended to a real-valued pluriharmonic function in Ω π .

The local lifting problem for actions of finite groups on curves

Ted Chinburg, Robert Guralnick, David Harbater (2011)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 0 . We study obstructions to lifting to characteristic 0 the faithful continuous action φ of a finite group G on k [ [ t ] ] . To each such  φ a theorem of Katz and Gabber associates an action of G on a smooth projective curve Y over k . We say that the KGB obstruction of φ vanishes if G acts on a smooth projective curve X in characteristic  0 in such a way that X / H and Y / H have the same genus for all subgroups H G . We determine for which G the KGB...

Steinness of bundles with fiber a Reinhardt bounded domain

Karl Oeljeklaus, Dan Zaffran (2006)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


Let E denote a holomorphic bundle with fiber D and with basis B . Both D and B are assumed to be Stein. For D a Reinhardt bounded domain of dimension d = 2 or 3 , we give a necessary and sufficient condition on D for the existence of a non-Stein such E (Theorem 1 ); for d = 2 , we give necessary and sufficient criteria for E to be Stein (Theorem 2 ). For D a Reinhardt bounded domain of any dimension not intersecting any coordinate hyperplane, we give a sufficient criterion for E to be Stein (Theorem...

Pointed k -surfaces

Graham Smith (2006)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


Let S be a Riemann surface. Let 3 be the 3 -dimensional hyperbolic space and let 3 be its ideal boundary. In our context, a Plateau problem is a locally holomorphic mapping ϕ : S 3 = ^ . If i : S 3 is a convex immersion, and if N is its exterior normal vector field, we define the Gauss lifting, ı ^ , of i by ı ^ = N . Let n : U 3 3 be the Gauss-Minkowski mapping. A solution to the Plateau problem ( S , ϕ ) is a convex immersion i of constant Gaussian curvature equal to k ( 0 , 1 ) such that the Gauss lifting ( S , ı ^ ) is complete and n ı ^ = ϕ . In this...

Non-isotropic Hausdorff capacity of exceptional sets for pluri-Green potentials in the unit ball of ℂⁿ

Kuzman Adzievski (2006)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We study questions related to exceptional sets of pluri-Green potentials V μ in the unit ball B of ℂⁿ in terms of non-isotropic Hausdorff capacity. For suitable measures μ on the ball B, the pluri-Green potentials V μ are defined by V μ ( z ) = B l o g ( 1 / | ϕ z ( w ) | ) d μ ( w ) , where for a fixed z ∈ B, ϕ z denotes the holomorphic automorphism of B satisfying ϕ z ( 0 ) = z , ϕ z ( z ) = 0 and ( ϕ z ϕ z ) ( w ) = w for every w ∈ B. If dμ(w) = f(w)dλ(w), where f is a non-negative measurable function of B, and λ is the measure on B, invariant under all holomorphic automorphisms of...

On nonsingular polynomial maps of ℝ²

Nguyen Van Chau, Carlos Gutierrez (2006)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We consider nonsingular polynomial maps F = (P,Q): ℝ² → ℝ² under the following regularity condition at infinity ( J ) : There does not exist a sequence ( p k , q k ) ² of complex singular points of F such that the imaginary parts ( ( p k ) , ( q k ) ) tend to (0,0), the real parts ( ( p k ) , ( q k ) ) tend to ∞ and F ( ( p k ) , ( q k ) ) ) a ² . It is shown that F is a global diffeomorphism of ℝ² if it satisfies Condition ( J ) and if, in addition, the restriction of F to every real level set P - 1 ( c ) is proper for values of |c| large enough.

Uniqueness and differential polynomials of meromorphic functions sharing a nonzero polynomial

Pulak Sahoo (2016)

Mathematica Bohemica


Let k be a nonnegative integer or infinity. For a { } we denote by E k ( a ; f ) the set of all a -points of f where an a -point of multiplicity m is counted m times if m k and k + 1 times if m > k . If E k ( a ; f ) = E k ( a ; g ) then we say that f and g share the value a with weight k . Using this idea of sharing values we study the uniqueness of meromorphic functions whose certain nonlinear differential polynomials share a nonzero polynomial with finite weight. The results of the paper improve and generalize the related results due to...

𝒞 k -regularity for the ¯ -equation with a support condition

Shaban Khidr, Osama Abdelkader (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let D be a 𝒞 d q -convex intersection, d 2 , 0 q n - 1 , in a complex manifold X of complex dimension n , n 2 , and let E be a holomorphic vector bundle of rank N over X . In this paper, 𝒞 k -estimates, k = 2 , 3 , , , for solutions to the ¯ -equation with small loss of smoothness are obtained for E -valued ( 0 , s ) -forms on D when n - q s n . In addition, we solve the ¯ -equation with a support condition in 𝒞 k -spaces. More precisely, we prove that for a ¯ -closed form f in 𝒞 0 , q k ( X D , E ) , 1 q n - 2 , n 3 , with compact support and for ε with 0 < ε < 1 there...

The "Full Clarkson-Erdős-Schwartz Theorem" on the closure of non-dense Müntz spaces

Tamás Erdélyi (2003)

Studia Mathematica


Denote by spanf₁,f₂,... the collection of all finite linear combinations of the functions f₁,f₂,... over ℝ. The principal result of the paper is the following. Theorem (Full Clarkson-Erdős-Schwartz Theorem). Suppose ( λ j ) j = 1 is a sequence of distinct positive numbers. Then s p a n 1 , x λ , x λ , . . . is dense in C[0,1] if and only if j = 1 ( λ j ) / ( λ j ² + 1 ) = . Moreover, if j = 1 ( λ j ) / ( λ j ² + 1 ) < , then every function from the C[0,1] closure of s p a n 1 , x λ , x λ , . . . can be represented as an analytic function on z ∈ ℂ ∖ (-∞, 0]: |z| < 1 restricted to (0,1). This result improves an...

Green functions, Segre numbers, and King’s formula

Mats Andersson, Elizabeth Wulcan (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let 𝒥 be a coherent ideal sheaf on a complex manifold X with zero set Z , and let G be a plurisubharmonic function such that G = log | f | + 𝒪 ( 1 ) locally at Z , where f is a tuple of holomorphic functions that defines 𝒥 . We give a meaning to the Monge-Ampère products ( d d c G ) k for k = 0 , 1 , 2 , ... , and prove that the Lelong numbers of the currents M k 𝒥 : = 1 Z ( d d c G ) k at x coincide with the so-called Segre numbers of J at x , introduced independently by Tworzewski, Gaffney-Gassler, and Achilles-Manaresi. More generally, we show that M k 𝒥 satisfy a certain...