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Taclets: a new paradigm for constructing interactive theorem provers.

Bernhard Beckert, Martin Giese, Elmar Habermalz, Reiner Hähnle, Andreas Roth, Philipp Rümmer, Steffen Schlager (2004)


Frameworks for interactive theorem proving give the user explicit control over the construction of proofs based on meta languages that contain dedicated control structures for describing proof construction. Such languages are not easy to master and thus contribute to the already long list of skills required by prospective users of interactive theorem provers. Most users, however, only need a convenient formalism that allows to introduce new rules with minimal overhead. On the the other hand, rules...

Topologies, Continuity and Bisimulations

J. M. Davoren (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

The notion of a bisimulation relation is of basic importance in many areas of computation theory and logic. Of late, it has come to take a particular significance in work on the formal analysis and verification of hybrid control systems, where system properties are expressible by formulas of the modal μ-calculus or weaker temporal logics. Our purpose here is to give an analysis of the concept of bisimulation, starting with the observation that the zig-zag conditions are suggestive of some...

Una lógica modal para la geometría esférica de incidencia.

Alfonso Ríder Moyano, Rafael María Rubio Ruiz (2005)


Habitualmente, las geometrías de incidencia están basadas en estructuras bisurtidas formadas por puntos y rectas, y conectadas por una relación entre ambas clases. En lo que sigue, introducimos una estructura monosurtida, que llamamos Marco Esférico de Incidencia, la cual resulta adecuada, para construir una base semántica que permita su consideración en el lenguaje modal. Construiremos así un sistema axiomático para dicho lenguaje, que estaría determinado por la estructura creada, es decir probaremos...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 171